This page features resources and services to assist with developing and curating your online, personal brand. Additionally you will find advice on how to create and grow your professional network.
Personal Branding Resources
What is a Personal Brand?聽
A personal brand is a descriptor of you. In essence, a personal brand is who you are. What are your passions, career aspirations, strengths, etc? This gives people a short insight into your professional self.
Your personal brand encompasses many different aspects, including pictures, social media profiles, your network, and information found on the internet.
Controlling these pieces of your brand is very important to make sure it is framed the way you want it to portray yourself.
Networking Resources
What is a Professional Network?聽
A professional network is the connections you have to individuals in your chosen career field. These connections could be in-person (coworkers, acquaintances from conferences, etc.) or virtual connections via Handshake or LinkedIn.
When used appropriately, your professional network can be the key to unlocking all sorts of career opportunities. Below are resources to assist you with creating and maintaining your professional network.