Call for Proposals for 14th Annual MALT Colloquium
- published: 2019/11/21
- contact: Claudia Garcia - Foreign Languages and Literature
- phone:402.554.4837
- search keywords:
- MALT Colloquium
- Language Learning
The Department of Foreign Languages and Literature and the Master of Arts in Language Teaching Program (MALT) announce the 2020 Call for Proposals for the 14th Annual MALT Colloquium on Language Teaching, to take place Saturday February 8, 2020, 9:00 AM-3:00 PM, Mammel Hall (UNO Scott Campus).
This year’s Colloquium includes a Keynote Address by Dr. Catherine Compton-Lilly (University of South Carolina) on “Transnational Awareness and Cosmopolitanism: Funds of Knowledge Brought by Children in Immigrant Families” (10:00-11:00); Morning and Afternoon Presentations (11:15-12:15; 1:00-2:00); and a Round Table & Open Discussion on “Social Equity in Language Learning” (2:15-3:00). A Meet & Greet and Poster Session will start the event at 9:00.
Find more information on the colloquium, and about how to submit a proposal click on the links below:
If you have questions, you can contact:
Marie Lee at
Dr. Claudia Garcia at
Dr. Melanie Bloom at
The event is free and open to the public.