Jonathan Santo, PhD
- Professor
Additional Information
Adolescent Development, Statistics, Cross-Cultural Psychology
Adolescent identity development, Moderators of the depressive effects of peer victimization, Cross-cultural differences in peer relations
Ph.D., Psychology (Research concentration), Concordia University (2009), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dissertation: Adolescent Self-Concept, Peer Relations and Context: An Ecological Systems Theory Approach.
Full Resume and Selected Works
Peer Reviewed Publications
(* denotes student authors)
Da Cunha, J., M. & Santo, J.B. (2023). School (socie)ties: Individual and School Level Differences in the Association between Ethnic Victimization and Academic Functioning for Brazilian Youth. In (Vol. 8, p. 1000328). Frontiers.
Subramanian, R., Watanabe-Galloway, S. & Santo J.B. (2023). Concrete or Abstract? The effects of picture concreteness and mental illness prevalence on destigmatizing mental illnesses. .
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2023). Change Over Time in Interactions between Unfamiliar Toddlers. , 47(1), 21-34.
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2022). Changes in Social Pretend Play as Toddlers Form Relationships with Peers. .
DeVries, K., Santo, J. B. & Casas, J. F. (2022). I finished! Diverse college students' cultural background and college persistence. , 29(2).
*Cormaci, M., Weaver, A. & Santo, J. B. (2022). . Contemporary School Psychology, 1-16.
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2022). . PLOS One.
Santo J.B., da Cunha, J.M. & *Mitra, A. (2022). . Journal of Research on Social Psychology, 1(2), 125-135.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J.M & Santo J.B. (2022). . Journal of Moral Education.
MacArthur, K., & Santo, J. B. (2022). . Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B. (2022). . School Mental Health, 1-12.
Adams, R.E., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2021). . Psychoneuroendocrinology 132, 105356.
Bukowski, W. M., Dirks, M., Persram, R., Santo, J., DeLay, D., & Lopez, L. S. (2021). . Developmental psychology, 57(12), 2022-2031.
Poteat, P., *Rosenbach, S., Smith, R. & Santo, J. B. (2021). . Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 75, 101298.
Martin-Storey, A., Santo, J. B., Recchia, H., Chilliak, C. S., Caetano Nardi, D. H. & Da Cunha, J. M. (2021). . Journal of School Psychology, 86, 120-132.
*Roza T. R., *Roza, S. A., *Yano, V., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1-13.
Cunha, J., Thomas, K., Santo, J.B., Sukhawathanakul, P. & Leadbeater, B. (2021). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(6) 504–512.
*Amaral, H. T., da Cunha, J., *Boueri, I.Z. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Revista Educação Especial, 34, 1-22.
*Amaral, H. T., da Cunha, J., *Boueri, I.Z. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Revista Educação Especial, 34, 1-23.
*Bass, E.C., Saldarriaga, L., Velasquez, A., Santo, J. B., & Bukowski, W. (2021). . International Journal of Behavioral Development.
*DeVries, K., Harrison, W. & Santo, J. B. (2021). . Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(16), 24-35.
Subramanian, R. & Santo J.B. (2021). . Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 44 (2), 52-61.
Anderson, A. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . ID: International Dialogue: A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs, 10, 6-31.
Cortese, M. J., *Toppi, S., Khanna, M. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(11) 2036–2044.
Martin-Storey, A., Recchia, H. & Santo J.B. (2020). . Journal of Homosexuality, 1-20.
Tocaimaza-Hatch, C. C. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . Language Teaching Research, 1362168820971468.
*Amaral, H. T., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Psico, 50(1), 29-37.
Bowker, J., Adams, R. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1.-13.
Bowker, J.C, Bowker, M.H., Santo J.B., Ojo, A.A., *Etkin, R.G. & *Raja, R. (2019). . Journal of Genetic Psychology, 180:4-5, 217-230.
*Gill, S., Blair, M., Santo, J. B. & Morrow, S. A. (2019). . The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.
Jawed-Wessel, S., Santo, J.B. & Irwin, J. (2019). . Archives of sexual behavior, 48(3), 843-854.
*Mertens, A. T., Santo, J. B., Markopoulou, K., & Chase, B. A. (2019). . Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.
Nasir, A, Zimmer, A., Taylor, D. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . BMC Psychology, 7(1), 3-11.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Educational Psychology, 39(4), 510-529.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Social Psychology of Education, 22(5), 1239-1257.
*Yuen, C.N., *Koziol, T. & Santo J.B. (2019). . Social Moments, 1, 15-30.
*Baker, M. R., Goodman, A. C., Santo, J.B., & Wong, R. Y. (2018). . Scientific reports, 8(1), 12114.
*Marian, M., da Cunha, J.M. & Santo, J.B., (2018). I like you, do you like me? . Revista Psicologia Argumento, 36(93), 383-407.
Santo J.B., Martin-Storey A., Recchia H., & Bukowski W.M. (2018). . Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28(4), 875-887. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12372
Santo, J.B., *Bass, E.C., Lopez, L.S & Bukowski W.M. (2017). . School Psychology International, 38(1) 42–59. DOI: 10.1177/0143034316678655
*Hanna, J., Santo, J. B., Blair, M., Smolewska, K., Warriner, E., & Morrow, S. A. (2017). . Rehabilitation Psychology, 62(1), 20-24.
*Huffman, M., Santo J.B. & French, J. (2017). . American Journal of Primatology, 79: 1-12. DOI 0.1002/ajp.22588
Bukowski, W. M., *Panarello, B. & Santo J.B. (2017). . Sex Roles, 76: 719–730. DOI 10.1007/s11199-016-0638-6
Ammons, S. K., Dahlin, E. C., Edgell, P. & Santo J.B. (2017). . Community, Work and Family, 20:4, 379-404. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2016.1146231
*Bass, E.C., Santo, J.B., Saldarriaga L.M., da Cunha, J.M. & & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1–11. DOI: 10.1177/0165025416677846
*Bass, E.C., Santo, J.B., *Neufeld, C.M., da Cunha, J.M. (2016). . Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 15:2, 248-267.
*Wood, M., Bukowski, W. M. & Santo J.B. (2016). . Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(6), 798-809.
Chen, B.-B., & Santo J.B. (2016). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 40(4), 346–358. DOI: 10.1177/0165025415587726
Santo J.B., Saldarriaga L.M., Velásquez A.M., Meyer, F. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, Vol. 8(2), 79-91.
Velásquez A.M., Drury, K.M., Saldarriaga L.M., Santo J.B., Lopez L.S. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, Vol. 8(2), 47-58.
Chen, B.-B., & Santo, J. B. (2016). . Social Behavior and Personality, 44, 233–246. doi: 10.2224/sbp.2016.44.2.233
Hawkins, D.N., Lindner, A.M, Larson, R. & Santo J.B. (2015). . Journal of Sports Management and Commercialization, (6)3, 11–26.
*Buttner, A., *Thompson, B., Strasser, R. & Santo J.B. (2015). . Physiology & Behavior, 147, 54–62.
Cortese, M. J., Hacker, S., *Schock, J., & Santo, J. B. (2015). ? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68:8, 1711-1722. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2014.974624
Schneider, B.H., Manetti, M., Frattini, L., Rania, Santo J.B., Coplan, R.J. & *Cwinn, E. (2014). . School Psychology International, Vol. 35(5) 447–462. 35(5) 447–462. DOI: 10.1177/0143034313511003
Santo J.B., da Cunha, J., Saldarriaga L.M., Recchia H., Martin-Storey A., Bukowski W.M., Lopez L.S. & Carmago, G. (2013). . European Journal of Developmental Psychology (special section on instruments and procedures for developmental research), Vol. 10(4), 518-525. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2012.707313
Burr A., Santo J.B., & Pushkar D. (2013). . Quality & Quantity 48(2), 1027-1044.
Ellenbogen M.A., Linnen A.M., Santo J.B., aan het Rot, M., Hodgins S. & Young, S. (2013). . Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(7), 997-1006.
Santo J.B., Bukowski W.M., Lopez L.S., Carmago, G., Mayman S.B. & Adams, R. E. (2013). . Journal of Research on Adolescence (special issue on adolescents in the majority world), 23(1), 69-80.
*Mustoe, A., *Birnie, A. K., *Korgan, A.C., Santo J.B., French, J. A. (2012). . General and Comparative Endocrinology, 175(3), 519-226.
Pullen, C. A., Yates, B. C., Santo J.B., *Dizona, P.J., Boeckner, L., Hageman, P.A., Walker, S., N. (2012). . Social Science and Medicine, 75, 659-667.
Reiter-Palmon, R., Robinson, E., Kaufman, L & Santo J.B. (2012). Creativity Research Journal, 24, 107-114.
*Stone, T., Santo, J. B., & Wittich, W. (2012). , Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 5(1), 30-37.
Adams, R.E., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2011). . Developmental Psychology, 47(6), 1786-1791.
*Alexander, M., Santo J.B., *Cunha, J., Weber, L. & Russell, S.T. (2011). . Journal of LGBT Youth, 8: 289-308.
*Velásquez A.M., Santo J.B., *Saldarriaga L.M., Lopez L.S., & Bukowski W.M. (2010) Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56(3): 283-302.
Ellenbogen M.A., Santo J.B., *Linnen A.M., Walker C.D., & Hodgins S. (2010). . Bipolar Disorders, 12(1): 77-86.
Bukowski, W.M., Schwartzman, A., Santo, J.B., Bagwell, C. & Adams, R. (2009). . Development and Psychopathology, 21(4): 1249-1262.
*Burr A., Santo J.B., & Pushkar D. (2009). . Journal of Happiness Studies, 12(1): 17-40.
Bukowski W.M., *Adams R.E., & Santo J.B. (2006). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(1): 26-30.
Boivin D.B., *James F.O., Caliyurt O., Santo J.B., & Chalk C. (2003). . Neurology, 60(11), 1841-1843.
Book Chapters
Santo, J.B. (2020). Still being there for you even when they can’t be there: Continuing evidence for the benefits on friendships for children and adolescents online. In J. M. da Cunha & L. Weber (Eds.), Relacionamentos Positivos na Família e na Escola. Juruá Editora, Curitiba, Brazil.
Cunha, J.M., Mandira, M.R. & Santo, J.B. (2020). Bullying and cyberbullying experiences among children in Brazill. In ICT KIDS ONLINE BRAZIL: Survey on Internet Use by Children in Brazil. Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil, São Paolo, Brazil: 253-260.
Santo J.B. (2020). Charles Darwin. In Summers (ed). Developmental Psychology: How the Mind Grows and Changes over a Lifetime, 3 volumes. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
*Yuen C.N. & Santo J.B. (2018). Multilevel Modeling: Application for Lifespan Research. In Bornstein (ed). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. SAGE Publications.
*Bass E.C. & Santo J.B. (2018). Acceptance versus Rejection. In Bornstein (ed). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. SAGE Publications.
*Santo, J., & Bass, E. (2017). Self-reports and peer ratings. In B. Hopkins, E. Geangu, & S. Linkenauger (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (pp. 149-152). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316216491.026
Santo J.B., Saldarriaga L.M. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). International and Comparative Peer Research: Challenges in comparing apples to oranges. In Köhler, Krüger & Pfaff (eds). Handbook of Peer-Research. Barbara Budrich Publishers: 121-136.
*Saldarriaga L.M., *Velásquez A.M., Santo J.B., Chaux E. & Bukowski W.M. (2009). School aggression in Colombia and El Salvador: Contextual variations in frequencies and effects. In Lisboa & Berger (eds). El Estudio de la Agresión en Latinoamérica (The study of Aggression in Latin-America.) Santiago: Editorial Universitaria: 85-108.
Bukowski W.M., *Adams R.E., & Santo J.B. (2006). Research on peers and adolescent development: What’s doing in North America? German Yearbook on Adolescence. VS Verlag, für Sozialwissenschaften, GWV Fachverlage, GmbH, Wiesbaden: 95-106.
Boivin D.B., & Santo J.B. (2003). Circadian rhythm sleep disorders related to an abnormal escape of the sleep-wake cycle. In: M. Billiard (ed). Sleep: Physiology, Investigations and Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell (MA): 493-512.
Blog/General Audience Posts
DeVries, K. & Santo J.B. (2022, December 1st). Mapping out the Various Benefits to Taking Latino/Latin American Coursework for Students and, Latinos in Particular [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/_files/pdfs/ollas-blog-dec-2022-final-version.pdf
Santo J.B. (2022, November 15th). How Friends Buffer the Link Between Bullying and Sleep Problems. [Psychology TODAY] Retrieved from
da Cunha J.M. & Santo J.B. (2022, November 1st). Globalizing Behavioral Statistical Tools. [ISSBD Bulletin - Supplement to International Journal of Behavioral Development Volume 46, Issue 6] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, October 15th). The importance of the social context as a strategy for self-continuity for emerging adults from the US and Brazil. [IDENTITIES Blog – Global Studies in Culture and Power]. Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, August 2). Aggressive children too, can be victimized in the classroom [BOLD – Blog on Learning and Development] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. & MacArthur K.R. (2022, July 28). Women are better at statistics than they think [The Conversation Research Brief] Retrieved from
Santo J.B., Thomas, K. & Da Cunha, J.M. (2022, March 29). School relationships drive changes in children's character virtues. [npj - Science of Learning] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, March 24). How is victimization at school linked to depression? [BOLD – Blog on Learning and Development] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. & Da Cunha, J.M. (2021, June 15). Teaching kids social responsibility – like how to settle fights and ask for help – can reduce school bullying. [The Conversation Research Brief] Retrieved from
DeVries, K., Santo J.B. & Casas, J.F. (2019, Nov 1). Why Latino college students’ should play to their strengths for college success [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/blog-latino-students-nov-2019.php
Aliaga-Linares L., Santo J.B. & Casas J.F. (2018, October 15). Family separations: What science tells us about family separations and why all Nebraskans should care. [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/family-separations.php
Santo J.B. & da Cunha J.M. (2018, May 18). Ethnicity and Victimization Among Brazilian Adolescents: What Can Schools Do? [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/ethnicity-victimization.php
Additional Information
Adolescent Development, Statistics, Cross-Cultural Psychology
Adolescent identity development, Moderators of the depressive effects of peer victimization, Cross-cultural differences in peer relations
Ph.D., Psychology (Research concentration), Concordia University (2009), Montreal, Quebec, Canada. Dissertation: Adolescent Self-Concept, Peer Relations and Context: An Ecological Systems Theory Approach.
Full Resume and Selected Works
Peer Reviewed Publications
(* denotes student authors)
Da Cunha, J., M. & Santo, J.B. (2023). School (socie)ties: Individual and School Level Differences in the Association between Ethnic Victimization and Academic Functioning for Brazilian Youth. In (Vol. 8, p. 1000328). Frontiers.
Subramanian, R., Watanabe-Galloway, S. & Santo J.B. (2023). Concrete or Abstract? The effects of picture concreteness and mental illness prevalence on destigmatizing mental illnesses. .
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2023). Change Over Time in Interactions between Unfamiliar Toddlers. , 47(1), 21-34.
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2022). Changes in Social Pretend Play as Toddlers Form Relationships with Peers. .
DeVries, K., Santo, J. B. & Casas, J. F. (2022). I finished! Diverse college students' cultural background and college persistence. , 29(2).
*Cormaci, M., Weaver, A. & Santo, J. B. (2022). . Contemporary School Psychology, 1-16.
*Lahat, A., Perlman, M., Ross, H., *Luo, Z., Recchia, H., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2022). . PLOS One.
Santo J.B., da Cunha, J.M. & *Mitra, A. (2022). . Journal of Research on Social Psychology, 1(2), 125-135.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J.M & Santo J.B. (2022). . Journal of Moral Education.
MacArthur, K., & Santo, J. B. (2022). . Journal of Statistics and Data Science Education.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B. (2022). . School Mental Health, 1-12.
Adams, R.E., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2021). . Psychoneuroendocrinology 132, 105356.
Bukowski, W. M., Dirks, M., Persram, R., Santo, J., DeLay, D., & Lopez, L. S. (2021). . Developmental psychology, 57(12), 2022-2031.
Poteat, P., *Rosenbach, S., Smith, R. & Santo, J. B. (2021). . Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 75, 101298.
Martin-Storey, A., Santo, J. B., Recchia, H., Chilliak, C. S., Caetano Nardi, D. H. & Da Cunha, J. M. (2021). . Journal of School Psychology, 86, 120-132.
*Roza T. R., *Roza, S. A., *Yano, V., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Journal of Genetic Psychology, 1-13.
Cunha, J., Thomas, K., Santo, J.B., Sukhawathanakul, P. & Leadbeater, B. (2021). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 45(6) 504–512.
*Amaral, H. T., da Cunha, J., *Boueri, I.Z. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Revista Educação Especial, 34, 1-22.
*Amaral, H. T., da Cunha, J., *Boueri, I.Z. & Santo, J.B. (2021). . Revista Educação Especial, 34, 1-23.
*Bass, E.C., Saldarriaga, L., Velasquez, A., Santo, J. B., & Bukowski, W. (2021). . International Journal of Behavioral Development.
*DeVries, K., Harrison, W. & Santo, J. B. (2021). . Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, 20(16), 24-35.
Subramanian, R. & Santo J.B. (2021). . Journal of Visual Communication in Medicine, 44 (2), 52-61.
Anderson, A. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . ID: International Dialogue: A Multidisciplinary Journal of World Affairs, 10, 6-31.
Cortese, M. J., *Toppi, S., Khanna, M. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 73(11) 2036–2044.
Martin-Storey, A., Recchia, H. & Santo J.B. (2020). . Journal of Homosexuality, 1-20.
Tocaimaza-Hatch, C. C. & Santo, J. B. (2020). . Language Teaching Research, 1362168820971468.
*Amaral, H. T., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Psico, 50(1), 29-37.
Bowker, J., Adams, R. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 1.-13.
Bowker, J.C, Bowker, M.H., Santo J.B., Ojo, A.A., *Etkin, R.G. & *Raja, R. (2019). . Journal of Genetic Psychology, 180:4-5, 217-230.
*Gill, S., Blair, M., Santo, J. B. & Morrow, S. A. (2019). . The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences.
Jawed-Wessel, S., Santo, J.B. & Irwin, J. (2019). . Archives of sexual behavior, 48(3), 843-854.
*Mertens, A. T., Santo, J. B., Markopoulou, K., & Chase, B. A. (2019). . Clinical Parkinsonism & Related Disorders.
Nasir, A, Zimmer, A., Taylor, D. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . BMC Psychology, 7(1), 3-11.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Educational Psychology, 39(4), 510-529.
Thomas, K., Cunha, J. & Santo, J.B., (2019). . Social Psychology of Education, 22(5), 1239-1257.
*Yuen, C.N., *Koziol, T. & Santo J.B. (2019). . Social Moments, 1, 15-30.
*Baker, M. R., Goodman, A. C., Santo, J.B., & Wong, R. Y. (2018). . Scientific reports, 8(1), 12114.
*Marian, M., da Cunha, J.M. & Santo, J.B., (2018). I like you, do you like me? . Revista Psicologia Argumento, 36(93), 383-407.
Santo J.B., Martin-Storey A., Recchia H., & Bukowski W.M. (2018). . Journal of Research on Adolescence, 28(4), 875-887. DOI: 10.1111/jora.12372
Santo, J.B., *Bass, E.C., Lopez, L.S & Bukowski W.M. (2017). . School Psychology International, 38(1) 42–59. DOI: 10.1177/0143034316678655
*Hanna, J., Santo, J. B., Blair, M., Smolewska, K., Warriner, E., & Morrow, S. A. (2017). . Rehabilitation Psychology, 62(1), 20-24.
*Huffman, M., Santo J.B. & French, J. (2017). . American Journal of Primatology, 79: 1-12. DOI 0.1002/ajp.22588
Bukowski, W. M., *Panarello, B. & Santo J.B. (2017). . Sex Roles, 76: 719–730. DOI 10.1007/s11199-016-0638-6
Ammons, S. K., Dahlin, E. C., Edgell, P. & Santo J.B. (2017). . Community, Work and Family, 20:4, 379-404. DOI: 10.1080/13668803.2016.1146231
*Bass, E.C., Santo, J.B., Saldarriaga L.M., da Cunha, J.M. & & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 1–11. DOI: 10.1177/0165025416677846
*Bass, E.C., Santo, J.B., *Neufeld, C.M., da Cunha, J.M. (2016). . Journal of Cognitive Education and Psychology, 15:2, 248-267.
*Wood, M., Bukowski, W. M. & Santo J.B. (2016). . Journal of Clinical Child & Adolescent Psychology, 46(6), 798-809.
Chen, B.-B., & Santo J.B. (2016). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 40(4), 346–358. DOI: 10.1177/0165025415587726
Santo J.B., Saldarriaga L.M., Velásquez A.M., Meyer, F. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, Vol. 8(2), 79-91.
Velásquez A.M., Drury, K.M., Saldarriaga L.M., Santo J.B., Lopez L.S. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). . Journal of Latino/Latin American Studies, Vol. 8(2), 47-58.
Chen, B.-B., & Santo, J. B. (2016). . Social Behavior and Personality, 44, 233–246. doi: 10.2224/sbp.2016.44.2.233
Hawkins, D.N., Lindner, A.M, Larson, R. & Santo J.B. (2015). . Journal of Sports Management and Commercialization, (6)3, 11–26.
*Buttner, A., *Thompson, B., Strasser, R. & Santo J.B. (2015). . Physiology & Behavior, 147, 54–62.
Cortese, M. J., Hacker, S., *Schock, J., & Santo, J. B. (2015). ? The Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68:8, 1711-1722. DOI: 10.1080/17470218.2014.974624
Schneider, B.H., Manetti, M., Frattini, L., Rania, Santo J.B., Coplan, R.J. & *Cwinn, E. (2014). . School Psychology International, Vol. 35(5) 447–462. 35(5) 447–462. DOI: 10.1177/0143034313511003
Santo J.B., da Cunha, J., Saldarriaga L.M., Recchia H., Martin-Storey A., Bukowski W.M., Lopez L.S. & Carmago, G. (2013). . European Journal of Developmental Psychology (special section on instruments and procedures for developmental research), Vol. 10(4), 518-525. DOI: 10.1080/17405629.2012.707313
Burr A., Santo J.B., & Pushkar D. (2013). . Quality & Quantity 48(2), 1027-1044.
Ellenbogen M.A., Linnen A.M., Santo J.B., aan het Rot, M., Hodgins S. & Young, S. (2013). . Psychoneuroendocrinology, 38(7), 997-1006.
Santo J.B., Bukowski W.M., Lopez L.S., Carmago, G., Mayman S.B. & Adams, R. E. (2013). . Journal of Research on Adolescence (special issue on adolescents in the majority world), 23(1), 69-80.
*Mustoe, A., *Birnie, A. K., *Korgan, A.C., Santo J.B., French, J. A. (2012). . General and Comparative Endocrinology, 175(3), 519-226.
Pullen, C. A., Yates, B. C., Santo J.B., *Dizona, P.J., Boeckner, L., Hageman, P.A., Walker, S., N. (2012). . Social Science and Medicine, 75, 659-667.
Reiter-Palmon, R., Robinson, E., Kaufman, L & Santo J.B. (2012). Creativity Research Journal, 24, 107-114.
*Stone, T., Santo, J. B., & Wittich, W. (2012). , Insight: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness, 5(1), 30-37.
Adams, R.E., Santo J.B. & Bukowski W.M. (2011). . Developmental Psychology, 47(6), 1786-1791.
*Alexander, M., Santo J.B., *Cunha, J., Weber, L. & Russell, S.T. (2011). . Journal of LGBT Youth, 8: 289-308.
*Velásquez A.M., Santo J.B., *Saldarriaga L.M., Lopez L.S., & Bukowski W.M. (2010) Merrill-Palmer Quarterly, 56(3): 283-302.
Ellenbogen M.A., Santo J.B., *Linnen A.M., Walker C.D., & Hodgins S. (2010). . Bipolar Disorders, 12(1): 77-86.
Bukowski, W.M., Schwartzman, A., Santo, J.B., Bagwell, C. & Adams, R. (2009). . Development and Psychopathology, 21(4): 1249-1262.
*Burr A., Santo J.B., & Pushkar D. (2009). . Journal of Happiness Studies, 12(1): 17-40.
Bukowski W.M., *Adams R.E., & Santo J.B. (2006). . International Journal of Behavioral Development, 30(1): 26-30.
Boivin D.B., *James F.O., Caliyurt O., Santo J.B., & Chalk C. (2003). . Neurology, 60(11), 1841-1843.
Book Chapters
Santo, J.B. (2020). Still being there for you even when they can’t be there: Continuing evidence for the benefits on friendships for children and adolescents online. In J. M. da Cunha & L. Weber (Eds.), Relacionamentos Positivos na Família e na Escola. Juruá Editora, Curitiba, Brazil.
Cunha, J.M., Mandira, M.R. & Santo, J.B. (2020). Bullying and cyberbullying experiences among children in Brazill. In ICT KIDS ONLINE BRAZIL: Survey on Internet Use by Children in Brazil. Comitê Gestor da Internet no Brasil, São Paolo, Brazil: 253-260.
Santo J.B. (2020). Charles Darwin. In Summers (ed). Developmental Psychology: How the Mind Grows and Changes over a Lifetime, 3 volumes. Santa Barbara, CA: Greenwood.
*Yuen C.N. & Santo J.B. (2018). Multilevel Modeling: Application for Lifespan Research. In Bornstein (ed). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. SAGE Publications.
*Bass E.C. & Santo J.B. (2018). Acceptance versus Rejection. In Bornstein (ed). The Sage Encyclopedia of Lifespan Human Development. SAGE Publications.
*Santo, J., & Bass, E. (2017). Self-reports and peer ratings. In B. Hopkins, E. Geangu, & S. Linkenauger (Eds.), The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development (pp. 149-152). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/9781316216491.026
Santo J.B., Saldarriaga L.M. & Bukowski W.M. (2016). International and Comparative Peer Research: Challenges in comparing apples to oranges. In Köhler, Krüger & Pfaff (eds). Handbook of Peer-Research. Barbara Budrich Publishers: 121-136.
*Saldarriaga L.M., *Velásquez A.M., Santo J.B., Chaux E. & Bukowski W.M. (2009). School aggression in Colombia and El Salvador: Contextual variations in frequencies and effects. In Lisboa & Berger (eds). El Estudio de la Agresión en Latinoamérica (The study of Aggression in Latin-America.) Santiago: Editorial Universitaria: 85-108.
Bukowski W.M., *Adams R.E., & Santo J.B. (2006). Research on peers and adolescent development: What’s doing in North America? German Yearbook on Adolescence. VS Verlag, für Sozialwissenschaften, GWV Fachverlage, GmbH, Wiesbaden: 95-106.
Boivin D.B., & Santo J.B. (2003). Circadian rhythm sleep disorders related to an abnormal escape of the sleep-wake cycle. In: M. Billiard (ed). Sleep: Physiology, Investigations and Medicine. Kluwer Academic Publishers. Norwell (MA): 493-512.
Blog/General Audience Posts
DeVries, K. & Santo J.B. (2022, December 1st). Mapping out the Various Benefits to Taking Latino/Latin American Coursework for Students and, Latinos in Particular [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/_files/pdfs/ollas-blog-dec-2022-final-version.pdf
Santo J.B. (2022, November 15th). How Friends Buffer the Link Between Bullying and Sleep Problems. [Psychology TODAY] Retrieved from
da Cunha J.M. & Santo J.B. (2022, November 1st). Globalizing Behavioral Statistical Tools. [ISSBD Bulletin - Supplement to International Journal of Behavioral Development Volume 46, Issue 6] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, October 15th). The importance of the social context as a strategy for self-continuity for emerging adults from the US and Brazil. [IDENTITIES Blog – Global Studies in Culture and Power]. Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, August 2). Aggressive children too, can be victimized in the classroom [BOLD – Blog on Learning and Development] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. & MacArthur K.R. (2022, July 28). Women are better at statistics than they think [The Conversation Research Brief] Retrieved from
Santo J.B., Thomas, K. & Da Cunha, J.M. (2022, March 29). School relationships drive changes in children's character virtues. [npj - Science of Learning] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. (2022, March 24). How is victimization at school linked to depression? [BOLD – Blog on Learning and Development] Retrieved from
Santo J.B. & Da Cunha, J.M. (2021, June 15). Teaching kids social responsibility – like how to settle fights and ask for help – can reduce school bullying. [The Conversation Research Brief] Retrieved from
DeVries, K., Santo J.B. & Casas, J.F. (2019, Nov 1). Why Latino college students’ should play to their strengths for college success [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/blog-latino-students-nov-2019.php
Aliaga-Linares L., Santo J.B. & Casas J.F. (2018, October 15). Family separations: What science tells us about family separations and why all Nebraskans should care. [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/family-separations.php
Santo J.B. & da Cunha J.M. (2018, May 18). Ethnicity and Victimization Among Brazilian Adolescents: What Can Schools Do? [University of Nebraska at 51社区 Office of Latino/Latin American Studies Blog post]. Retrieved from /college-of-arts-and-sciences/ollas/research/ethnicity-victimization.php