Adam Weaver, PhD, BCBA
- Associate Professor
Additional Information
Courses Taught
- PSYC 8250 Family Analysis & Treatment
- PSYC 8520 Foundations of Assessment
- PSYC 8550 Psychotherapeutic Interventions*
- PSYC 8576 Behavior Analysis & Intervention*
- PSYC 9100 Small n Research Designs*
- PSYC 9920 ABA Ethics for School Psychologists*
- PSYC 9970 School-Based Practicum
- PSYC 4310 Psychological & Educational Testing
* Course is included in Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s Verified Course Sequence (VCS).
Functional behavior assessment and experimental analysis of behavior in school settings
Behavioral interventions at the class-wide and individual levels
Emotional labor among educators
IEP Meetings
Professional Experience
Associate Professor
2019 – present
University of Nebraska – 51社区
Department of Psychology, School Psychology Program
Assistant Professor
2013 – 2019
University of Nebraska – 51社区
Department of Psychology, School Psychology Program
Trainer in School-Based Behavioral Assessment
2015 – 2019
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Center for Disabilities and Development
School Psychologist
2004 – 2013
Green Hills Area Education Agency
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Challenging Behavior Consultant
2009 – 2013
Green Hills Area Education Agency
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Educational History
PhD, Mississippi State University (Educational Psychology) 2004
Pre-doctoral Internship - Munroe-Meyer Institute, Nebraska Medical Center
BA, Mississippi State University (History, summa cum laude) 1995
Licensed School Psychologist, State of Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Folder #363379
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) – 1-19-37013
Certificate of Advanced Level training for School-Based Behavioral Assessments – Iowa Dept. of Education and the University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development.
Publications and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Ions
* denotes student co-author
Kupzyk, S., Bassingthwaite, B., Weaver, A. D., & Nordness, P. (2022) Interdisciplinary collaborative practice in early childhood. Perspectives in Early Childhood Psychology and Education.
Weaver, A. D., Scherer, P.*, Hengen, S.*, & Shriver, M. D. (2020). An exploratory investigation of proximity control in a large-group unstructured setting. Preventing School Failure.
Tutsch, S., Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., Minter, I. C., & Baccaglini, L. (2019). Universal anxiety interventions in U. S. schools: A systematic review. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 6(5), 438-454.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J. A., & Erks Byrne, R.* (2019). Coping with emotional labor: An intervention study. Management Research Review, 42(9), 1033-1048.
Hengen, S.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2018). Post-secondary students with disabilities: Increasing self-advocacy through educational plan participation. The School Psychologist, 72(2), 7-18.
Bassingthwaite, B. J., Graber, J. E., Weaver, A. D., Wacker, D. P., White-Staecker, D., Berthold, S., Judkins, P., & Majors, L. (2018). Using teleconsultation to develop independent skills of school-based behavior teams in functional behavior assessment. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 28(3), 297-318. DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2018.1431548
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. A. (2017). Emotional labor and the work of school psychologists. Contemporary School Psychology, 21, 276-286. DOI: 10.1007/s40688-017-0121-6
Weaver, A.D., McKevitt, B. C., & Farris, A. M.* (2017). Using multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) preference assessments to increase student engagement and performance. Beyond Behavior, 26(1), 5-10. DOI: 10.1177/1074295617694410
Dufrene, B.A., Watson, T.S., Echevarria, D.J., & Weaver, A.D. (2013). Effects of tic-related conversation on rate of tics in two siblings. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2, 281-285.
Dufrene, B.A., Watson, T.S., Weaver, A.D. (2005). Response blocking with guided compliance and reinforcement for a habilitative replacement behavior: Effects on public masturbation and on-task behavior. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 27, 73-84.
Watson, T. S., Dufrene, B., Weaver, A., Butler, T., & Meeks, C. (2005). Brief antecedent assessment and treatment of tics in the general education classroom: A preliminary investigation. Behavior Modification, 29, 839-857.
Weaver, A. D., & Watson, T. S. (2004). An idiographic investigation of the effects of ability- and effort-based praise on math performance and persistence. The Behavior Analyst Today, 5, 381-390.
Weaver, A. D., Watson, T. S., Cashwell, C., Hinds, J., & Fascio, S. (2003). The effects of ability- and effort-based praise on task persistence and task performance. The Behavior Analyst Today, 4, 361-368.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C. H., Watson, T. S., Smith, T. J., Weaver, A. D., & Jackson, B. (2003). Instructional effectiveness and instructional efficiency as considerations for data-based decision making: An evaluation of interspersing procedures. School Psychology Review, 32(4), 601-616.
Butler, T., Weaver, A. D., Watson, T. S., & Doggett, T. (2002). Countering teacher resistance in behavioral consultation: Recommendations for the school-based consultant. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3, 282-288.
Other Publications
Murphy, J. M., Mathis, E., Weaver, A. D., & Dart, E. (2019). Research-based practice: Using antecedent-based strategies to address motivation in behavioral interventions. NASP Communique, 48(2).
Gould, K., Gaither, J., Dart, E., & Weaver, A. D. (2018). Research-based practice: A practical guide to single case design graphing. NASP Communique, 47(1).
Weaver, A. D. & Ouye, J. C. (2015). A practical and research-based guide for improving IEP team meetings. NASP Communique, 44(3).
Peer-Reviewed Research Conference Presentations
Ridgely, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2022, March). Are Breaks Really Better? A Comparison of the Check-In Check-Out and Breaks are Better Interventions. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Nebraska Association for Behavior Analysis: 51社区, NE.
Jensen, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2022, February). Teacher Perception of School Climate and the Impact of Social Justice, COVID-19, and Other Factors. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Boston, MA.
Gaynor, R.*, Foxx, G.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Behavior Bingo: The latest classwide behavior management strategy. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Zheng, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Implementing restorative circles training to decrease exclusionary discipline practices. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Bappe, M.*, Jensen, B.*, Haug, M.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Interdisciplinary Behavioral Consultation: Preparing graduate students for interdisciplinary careers. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Botts, V.*, Johnson, S.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Developing web-based self-advocacy training for post-secondary students with disabilities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Cormaci, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2020, February). School psychologists’ confidence in the implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Baltimore, MD.
Torell, J.* & Weaver, A. D. (2020, February). School-based biofeedback training for student anxiety symptoms. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Baltimore, MD.
Kupszyk, S., Weaver, A. D. & Nordness, P. (2019, November). Interdisciplinary training to promote mental health in the schools. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Cummings, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). An evaluation of Natalie the Net Nanny: A cyberbullying prevention program. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Meyer, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Local development of a K-5 social and emotional skills checklist. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Guenther, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Analysis of CBM-R data at a parochial school. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Shriver, M. D., Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, May). An analysis of proximity control in an unstructured school setting. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International: San Diego, CA.
Tutsch, S. F.*, Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Britigan, D. H., Minter, C., & Baccaglini, L. (2018, April). A systematic review of universal, teacher-led interventions targeting anxiety in U.S. schools. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, University Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health, 51社区, NE.
Bennewitz, L.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, February). The effects of PBIS on the special education referral process. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Chicago, IL.
Streicher, C.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, February). Are you pro-choice: Impact of choice on reading performance. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Chicago, IL.
Tutsch, S. F.*, Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Britigan, D. H., Minter, C., & Baccaglini, L. (2018, February). A systematic review of universal, teacher-led interventions targeting anxiety in U.S. schools. Poster presented at the Global Health Conference Midwest 2018: 51社区, NE.
McKevitt, B. C., & Weaver, A. D. (2017, November). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools: Part 1. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Fowler, P.*, & Meyer, M.* (2017, November). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools: Part 2. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Graber, J. E., Bassingthwaite, B. J., Weaver, A. D., Wacker, D. P. White-Staecker, D., & Bergthold, S. (2017, May). Iowa’s Challenging Behavior Service and the incorporation of videoconferencing into training for school teams. In B. J. Bassingthwaite (Chair) Making Applied Behavior Analysis Available to Other Disciplines through Behavior Skills Training. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International: Denver, CO.
Hengen, S.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2017, March). Accommodations at UNO: What you don’t see. Poster presented at the 2017 UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: 51社区, NE.
Bennewitz, L.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Discipline trends over four years of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Hengen, S.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Small steps to college: Self-advocacy among students with disabilities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). The “no huddle” defense: Using proximity control in unstructured settings. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Roth, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, March). The effectiveness of physical activity as a behavioral intervention for an adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: 51社区, NE.
Prine, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). Using a concurrent operants assessment to develop behavioral interventions. Research paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: New Orleans, LA.
Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). The impact of locus of control on academic achievement. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: New Orleans, LA.
Weaver, A. D., Medley, M. & Piro, S. (2015, February). Current practices in functional behavior assessment. Practitioner Conversation at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. A. (2015, February). Toil and trouble: Emotional labor and the school psychologist. Research presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Prine, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2015, February). Aggression in Schools: A Review of Research and Implications. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Roth, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2015, February). The Impact of Physical Activity on Academic Achievement. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Peer-Reviewed Pedagogical Presentations
Weaver, A. D., Dorathy, T., & O’Toole, K. (2021, Sept.). Using service learning to support the well-being of secondary students. Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium: Virtual conference hosted by Penn State.
Reilly, K.*, Dilley, L. E.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Strive to thrive: Benefits of mentoring programs for graduate students. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Using service learning to enhance students’ competence in cross-cultural consultation. Presentation at the Trainers of School Psychologists Conference: San Antonio, TX.
Weaver, A. D., O’Hara, A., & Cabrera, C. (2016, Oct.). Using service learning to provide mental health resources to families. Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference: 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2022, March). Expanding the use of experimental analyses in functional behavior assessments. Invited workshop for Council Bluffs Community Schools Behavior Facilitators. Council Bluffs, IA.
Weaver, A. D. (2020, December). Using trial-based functional analyses in functional behavior assessments. Invited seminar for Westside Community Schools Behavior Facilitators. 51社区, NE.
Kupzyk, S., Weaver, A. D. & Nordness, P. (2020, November). Preparing future school leaders: Interdisciplinary behavioral consultation. Paper presented virtually for the Personnel Development Program, Organized by US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, November). Understanding Students’ Behavior. Invited seminar for La Vista Middle School staff. La Vista, NE.
Reilly, K.*, Dilley, L.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2019, October). Benefits of Mentoring Programs for Graduate Students. Presentation for Nebraska School Psychologists Association. Lincoln, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, September). Function Based Thinking. Workshop presented at the MTSS Summit, Sponsored by Nebraska Department of Education: Kearney, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, April). Function Based Thinking, Part 1: Seeing Behavior in Context. Invited seminar for PBIS teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, April). Using Experimental Analyses in Functional Behavioral Assessment. Invited seminar for School Psychologists in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, March). Function Based Thinking, Part 2: Using Function to Develop Appropriate Interventions. Invited seminar for Special Education teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2018, November). Function Based Thinking, Part 1: Seeing Behavior in Context. Invited seminar for Special Education teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
McKevitt, B. C., & Weaver, A. D. (2018, June). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools. Workshop presented at the Leadership Development Institute (LDI), Sponsored by Nebraska Department of Education: Lincoln, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2017, September). Functional Behavior Assessment. Invited seminar for the 51社区 Public Schools District. 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Erks, R. (2017, January). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the DC West Community School District, Valley, NE.
Erks, R., Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. (2016, October). Emotional labor among educators of at-risk students. Presentation at the Fall Conference of the Iowa Association of Alternative Education: Des Moines, Iowa.
Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD): Risk factors, assessment & treatment. Invited lecture for students enrolled in Developmental Psychopathology at Creighton University, 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2015, November). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Riverside Community School District, Carson, IA.
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. (2015, October). Emotional labor among educators of at-risk students. Presentation at the Fall Conference of the Iowa Association of Alternative Education: Des Moines, Iowa.
Weaver, A. D. (2015, April) Learning and Behavior in Early Childhood. Presentation at 2015 University of Nebraska at 51社区 Week of the Young Child: Early Childhood Research and Practice from a Psychological Perspective.
Weaver, A. D., Medley, M., & Piro, S. (2015, February) School based functional behavior assessment. Invited panel discussion at the Behavioral School Psychology Interest Group meeting at the NASP Annual Convention.
Weaver, A. D. (2015, January). Managing Classroom Behavior. Presentation for the University of Nebraska at 51社区’s Center for Faculty Excellence.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2015, January). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Bennington Community School District, Bennington, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2014, October). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Missouri Valley Community School District, Missouri Valley, IA.
Honors and Awards
UNO College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award (2022)
Additional Information
Courses Taught
- PSYC 8250 Family Analysis & Treatment
- PSYC 8520 Foundations of Assessment
- PSYC 8550 Psychotherapeutic Interventions*
- PSYC 8576 Behavior Analysis & Intervention*
- PSYC 9100 Small n Research Designs*
- PSYC 9920 ABA Ethics for School Psychologists*
- PSYC 9970 School-Based Practicum
- PSYC 4310 Psychological & Educational Testing
* Course is included in Behavior Analyst Certification Board’s Verified Course Sequence (VCS).
Functional behavior assessment and experimental analysis of behavior in school settings
Behavioral interventions at the class-wide and individual levels
Emotional labor among educators
IEP Meetings
Professional Experience
Associate Professor
2019 – present
University of Nebraska – 51社区
Department of Psychology, School Psychology Program
Assistant Professor
2013 – 2019
University of Nebraska – 51社区
Department of Psychology, School Psychology Program
Trainer in School-Based Behavioral Assessment
2015 – 2019
University of Iowa Children’s Hospital
Center for Disabilities and Development
School Psychologist
2004 – 2013
Green Hills Area Education Agency
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Challenging Behavior Consultant
2009 – 2013
Green Hills Area Education Agency
Council Bluffs, Iowa
Educational History
PhD, Mississippi State University (Educational Psychology) 2004
Pre-doctoral Internship - Munroe-Meyer Institute, Nebraska Medical Center
BA, Mississippi State University (History, summa cum laude) 1995
Licensed School Psychologist, State of Iowa Board of Educational Examiners, Folder #363379
Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA) – 1-19-37013
Certificate of Advanced Level training for School-Based Behavioral Assessments – Iowa Dept. of Education and the University of Iowa Center for Disabilities and Development.
Publications and Presentations
Peer-Reviewed Ions
* denotes student co-author
Kupzyk, S., Bassingthwaite, B., Weaver, A. D., & Nordness, P. (2022) Interdisciplinary collaborative practice in early childhood. Perspectives in Early Childhood Psychology and Education.
Weaver, A. D., Scherer, P.*, Hengen, S.*, & Shriver, M. D. (2020). An exploratory investigation of proximity control in a large-group unstructured setting. Preventing School Failure.
Tutsch, S., Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., Minter, I. C., & Baccaglini, L. (2019). Universal anxiety interventions in U. S. schools: A systematic review. Health Behavior and Policy Review, 6(5), 438-454.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J. A., & Erks Byrne, R.* (2019). Coping with emotional labor: An intervention study. Management Research Review, 42(9), 1033-1048.
Hengen, S.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2018). Post-secondary students with disabilities: Increasing self-advocacy through educational plan participation. The School Psychologist, 72(2), 7-18.
Bassingthwaite, B. J., Graber, J. E., Weaver, A. D., Wacker, D. P., White-Staecker, D., Berthold, S., Judkins, P., & Majors, L. (2018). Using teleconsultation to develop independent skills of school-based behavior teams in functional behavior assessment. Journal of Educational and Psychological Consultation, 28(3), 297-318. DOI: 10.1080/10474412.2018.1431548
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. A. (2017). Emotional labor and the work of school psychologists. Contemporary School Psychology, 21, 276-286. DOI: 10.1007/s40688-017-0121-6
Weaver, A.D., McKevitt, B. C., & Farris, A. M.* (2017). Using multiple-stimulus without replacement (MSWO) preference assessments to increase student engagement and performance. Beyond Behavior, 26(1), 5-10. DOI: 10.1177/1074295617694410
Dufrene, B.A., Watson, T.S., Echevarria, D.J., & Weaver, A.D. (2013). Effects of tic-related conversation on rate of tics in two siblings. Journal of Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders, 2, 281-285.
Dufrene, B.A., Watson, T.S., Weaver, A.D. (2005). Response blocking with guided compliance and reinforcement for a habilitative replacement behavior: Effects on public masturbation and on-task behavior. Child and Family Behavior Therapy, 27, 73-84.
Watson, T. S., Dufrene, B., Weaver, A., Butler, T., & Meeks, C. (2005). Brief antecedent assessment and treatment of tics in the general education classroom: A preliminary investigation. Behavior Modification, 29, 839-857.
Weaver, A. D., & Watson, T. S. (2004). An idiographic investigation of the effects of ability- and effort-based praise on math performance and persistence. The Behavior Analyst Today, 5, 381-390.
Weaver, A. D., Watson, T. S., Cashwell, C., Hinds, J., & Fascio, S. (2003). The effects of ability- and effort-based praise on task persistence and task performance. The Behavior Analyst Today, 4, 361-368.
Cates, G. L., Skinner, C. H., Watson, T. S., Smith, T. J., Weaver, A. D., & Jackson, B. (2003). Instructional effectiveness and instructional efficiency as considerations for data-based decision making: An evaluation of interspersing procedures. School Psychology Review, 32(4), 601-616.
Butler, T., Weaver, A. D., Watson, T. S., & Doggett, T. (2002). Countering teacher resistance in behavioral consultation: Recommendations for the school-based consultant. The Behavior Analyst Today, 3, 282-288.
Other Publications
Murphy, J. M., Mathis, E., Weaver, A. D., & Dart, E. (2019). Research-based practice: Using antecedent-based strategies to address motivation in behavioral interventions. NASP Communique, 48(2).
Gould, K., Gaither, J., Dart, E., & Weaver, A. D. (2018). Research-based practice: A practical guide to single case design graphing. NASP Communique, 47(1).
Weaver, A. D. & Ouye, J. C. (2015). A practical and research-based guide for improving IEP team meetings. NASP Communique, 44(3).
Peer-Reviewed Research Conference Presentations
Ridgely, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2022, March). Are Breaks Really Better? A Comparison of the Check-In Check-Out and Breaks are Better Interventions. Poster presented at the Annual Conference of the Nebraska Association for Behavior Analysis: 51社区, NE.
Jensen, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2022, February). Teacher Perception of School Climate and the Impact of Social Justice, COVID-19, and Other Factors. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Boston, MA.
Gaynor, R.*, Foxx, G.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Behavior Bingo: The latest classwide behavior management strategy. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Zheng, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Implementing restorative circles training to decrease exclusionary discipline practices. Paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Bappe, M.*, Jensen, B.*, Haug, M.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Interdisciplinary Behavioral Consultation: Preparing graduate students for interdisciplinary careers. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Botts, V.*, Johnson, S.* & Weaver, A. D. (2021, February). Developing web-based self-advocacy training for post-secondary students with disabilities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists. Virtual convention.
Cormaci, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2020, February). School psychologists’ confidence in the implementation of Behavior Intervention Plans. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Baltimore, MD.
Torell, J.* & Weaver, A. D. (2020, February). School-based biofeedback training for student anxiety symptoms. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Baltimore, MD.
Kupszyk, S., Weaver, A. D. & Nordness, P. (2019, November). Interdisciplinary training to promote mental health in the schools. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Cummings, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). An evaluation of Natalie the Net Nanny: A cyberbullying prevention program. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Meyer, M.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Local development of a K-5 social and emotional skills checklist. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Guenther, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Analysis of CBM-R data at a parochial school. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Shriver, M. D., Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, May). An analysis of proximity control in an unstructured school setting. Poster presented at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International: San Diego, CA.
Tutsch, S. F.*, Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Britigan, D. H., Minter, C., & Baccaglini, L. (2018, April). A systematic review of universal, teacher-led interventions targeting anxiety in U.S. schools. Poster presented at the Student Research Conference, University Nebraska Medical Center, College of Public Health, 51社区, NE.
Bennewitz, L.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, February). The effects of PBIS on the special education referral process. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Chicago, IL.
Streicher, C.* & Weaver, A. D. (2018, February). Are you pro-choice: Impact of choice on reading performance. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Chicago, IL.
Tutsch, S. F.*, Fowler, P.*, Kumar, G., Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Britigan, D. H., Minter, C., & Baccaglini, L. (2018, February). A systematic review of universal, teacher-led interventions targeting anxiety in U.S. schools. Poster presented at the Global Health Conference Midwest 2018: 51社区, NE.
McKevitt, B. C., & Weaver, A. D. (2017, November). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools: Part 1. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., McKevitt, B. C., Fowler, P.*, & Meyer, M.* (2017, November). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools: Part 2. Paper presented at the Topics in Education Symposium (TIES), Organized by UNO Phi Delta Kappa Educational Leadership Society: 51社区, NE.
Graber, J. E., Bassingthwaite, B. J., Weaver, A. D., Wacker, D. P. White-Staecker, D., & Bergthold, S. (2017, May). Iowa’s Challenging Behavior Service and the incorporation of videoconferencing into training for school teams. In B. J. Bassingthwaite (Chair) Making Applied Behavior Analysis Available to Other Disciplines through Behavior Skills Training. Symposium conducted at the meeting of the Association for Behavior Analysis International: Denver, CO.
Hengen, S.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2017, March). Accommodations at UNO: What you don’t see. Poster presented at the 2017 UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: 51社区, NE.
Bennewitz, L.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Discipline trends over four years of Schoolwide Positive Behavior Supports. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Hengen, S.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Small steps to college: Self-advocacy among students with disabilities. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). The “no huddle” defense: Using proximity control in unstructured settings. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: San Antonio, TX.
Roth, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, March). The effectiveness of physical activity as a behavioral intervention for an adolescent with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Poster presented at the UNO Student Research and Creative Activity Fair: 51社区, NE.
Prine, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). Using a concurrent operants assessment to develop behavioral interventions. Research paper presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: New Orleans, LA.
Scherer, P.* & Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). The impact of locus of control on academic achievement. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: New Orleans, LA.
Weaver, A. D., Medley, M. & Piro, S. (2015, February). Current practices in functional behavior assessment. Practitioner Conversation at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. A. (2015, February). Toil and trouble: Emotional labor and the school psychologist. Research presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Prine, A.* & Weaver, A. D. (2015, February). Aggression in Schools: A Review of Research and Implications. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Roth, B.* & Weaver, A. D. (2015, February). The Impact of Physical Activity on Academic Achievement. Poster presented at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Orlando, FL.
Peer-Reviewed Pedagogical Presentations
Weaver, A. D., Dorathy, T., & O’Toole, K. (2021, Sept.). Using service learning to support the well-being of secondary students. Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium: Virtual conference hosted by Penn State.
Reilly, K.*, Dilley, L. E.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2019, February). Strive to thrive: Benefits of mentoring programs for graduate students. Presentation at the Annual Convention of the National Association of School Psychologists: Atlanta, GA.
Weaver, A. D. (2017, February). Using service learning to enhance students’ competence in cross-cultural consultation. Presentation at the Trainers of School Psychologists Conference: San Antonio, TX.
Weaver, A. D., O’Hara, A., & Cabrera, C. (2016, Oct.). Using service learning to provide mental health resources to families. Presentation at the Engagement Scholarship Consortium Conference: 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2022, March). Expanding the use of experimental analyses in functional behavior assessments. Invited workshop for Council Bluffs Community Schools Behavior Facilitators. Council Bluffs, IA.
Weaver, A. D. (2020, December). Using trial-based functional analyses in functional behavior assessments. Invited seminar for Westside Community Schools Behavior Facilitators. 51社区, NE.
Kupzyk, S., Weaver, A. D. & Nordness, P. (2020, November). Preparing future school leaders: Interdisciplinary behavioral consultation. Paper presented virtually for the Personnel Development Program, Organized by US Department of Education Office of Special Education Programs.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, November). Understanding Students’ Behavior. Invited seminar for La Vista Middle School staff. La Vista, NE.
Reilly, K.*, Dilley, L.*, & Weaver, A. D. (2019, October). Benefits of Mentoring Programs for Graduate Students. Presentation for Nebraska School Psychologists Association. Lincoln, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, September). Function Based Thinking. Workshop presented at the MTSS Summit, Sponsored by Nebraska Department of Education: Kearney, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, April). Function Based Thinking, Part 1: Seeing Behavior in Context. Invited seminar for PBIS teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, April). Using Experimental Analyses in Functional Behavioral Assessment. Invited seminar for School Psychologists in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2019, March). Function Based Thinking, Part 2: Using Function to Develop Appropriate Interventions. Invited seminar for Special Education teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2018, November). Function Based Thinking, Part 1: Seeing Behavior in Context. Invited seminar for Special Education teams in the Papillion-La Vista School District. Papillion, NE.
McKevitt, B. C., & Weaver, A. D. (2018, June). School-wide mental and behavioral health screening in schools. Workshop presented at the Leadership Development Institute (LDI), Sponsored by Nebraska Department of Education: Lincoln, NE.
Weaver, A. D. (2017, September). Functional Behavior Assessment. Invited seminar for the 51社区 Public Schools District. 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Erks, R. (2017, January). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the DC West Community School District, Valley, NE.
Erks, R., Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. (2016, October). Emotional labor among educators of at-risk students. Presentation at the Fall Conference of the Iowa Association of Alternative Education: Des Moines, Iowa.
Weaver, A. D. (2016, February). Emotional and Behavioral Disorders (EBD): Risk factors, assessment & treatment. Invited lecture for students enrolled in Developmental Psychopathology at Creighton University, 51社区, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2015, November). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Riverside Community School District, Carson, IA.
Weaver, A. D. & Allen, J. (2015, October). Emotional labor among educators of at-risk students. Presentation at the Fall Conference of the Iowa Association of Alternative Education: Des Moines, Iowa.
Weaver, A. D. (2015, April) Learning and Behavior in Early Childhood. Presentation at 2015 University of Nebraska at 51社区 Week of the Young Child: Early Childhood Research and Practice from a Psychological Perspective.
Weaver, A. D., Medley, M., & Piro, S. (2015, February) School based functional behavior assessment. Invited panel discussion at the Behavioral School Psychology Interest Group meeting at the NASP Annual Convention.
Weaver, A. D. (2015, January). Managing Classroom Behavior. Presentation for the University of Nebraska at 51社区’s Center for Faculty Excellence.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2015, January). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Bennington Community School District, Bennington, NE.
Weaver, A. D., Allen, J., & Lemke, J. (2014, October). Emotional labor among educators: An interactive seminar. Invited seminar for the Missouri Valley Community School District, Missouri Valley, IA.
Honors and Awards
UNO College of Arts & Sciences Alumni Outstanding Teaching Award (2022)