Dr. Erin Bass
- James R. Schumacher Chair of Ethics
- Management, Professor
General Information
Dr. Erin Bass joined the Department of Management of the College of Business Administration in 2014. She holds a PhD from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. A native of Calgary, Canada, she has experience in the energy and non-profit sectors. She has worked as a strategic consultant and speaker for 51社区-area private, public, and non-profit organizations on local, national, and international projects.She currently holds the James R. Schumacher Chair of Ethics.
Teaching Interests
Undergraduate: Corporate and Business Strategy, Business EthicsGraduate (MBA): Business Ethics, Strategic Management, Project-Focused CapstoneGraduate (EMBA): Strategic Management, Global Consulting Capstone, Strategic Leadership and Corporate Governance
Research Interests
Top Tier Journal Articles (ABDC A* Journal Quality List) (Most Recent First) Bass, A. E., Pfarrer, M., Milosevic, I., Titus, V. 2023. Better to be loved by some? Firm flaunting as an impression management strategy. Academy of Management Review, 48, 292-312, https://doi.org/10.5465/amr.2020.0015.Tuggle, C. S., Sirmon, D. G., Borgholthaus, C. J., Bierman, L., & Bass, A. E. 2022. From seats at the table to voices in the discussion: Antecedents of underrepresented director participation in board meetings. Journal of Management Studies, 59(5), 1253-1283.Bass, A. E., Grogaard, B. 2021. The long-term energy transition: Drivers, outcomes, and the role of the multinational enterprise. Journal of International Business Studies, 52(5), 807-82.Titus, V. K., Nelson, O. P., & Bass, A. E. 2018. Ripping off the Band-Aid: Scrutiny-bundling in the wake of social disapproval. Academy of Management Journal, 61(2) 637-660.Milosevic, I., Bass, A. E., & Combs, G. 2018. The paradox of knowledge creation in a high-reliability organization: A case study. Journal of Management, 44(3) 1174-1201.Bass, A. E. & Chakrabarty, S. 2014. Resource security: Competition for global resources, strategic intent, and governments as owners. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(8): 961-979.Full Publication Record Available Here: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=9wyT114AAAAJ&hl=en
Service Summary
Board President: Heart HeroesAcademic Appointments: James R. Schumacher Chair of EthicsBusiness Strategist, National Counterterrorism Innovation, Technology, and Education Center (NCITE)Faculty Fellow, The Daugherty Water for Food Global InstituteEditorial Board Member: Management Decision, The CASE Journal, Psychology of Leaders and Leadership