Congratulations to the 2020 Student Award Winners!
Students were selected by a poll of their peers and faculty for academic, leadership and community service excellence. We are excited to present the following students with these well-deserved awards.
Abigail Gevik wins the Outstanding Student Award in HR Concentration
Abigail tells us why she loves management studies...
Casey Jones wins the Outstanding Student Award in HR Concentration
Casey tells us why she loves management studies...
Alyssa Kuta wins the Outstanding Student Award in Human HR Concentration
Alyssa tells us why she loves management studies...
Mandi Backhaus wins the Outstanding Student Award in MGMT Concentration
Mandi tells us why she loves management studies...
Kiley Phelps wins the Outstanding Student Award in MGMT Concentration
Kiley tells us why she loves management studies...
Alison Raszler wins the Outstanding Student Award in MGMT Concentration
Alison tells us why she loves management studies...
Mazin Al Rhabi wins the Outstanding Student Award in SCMT Concentration
Mazin tells us why she loves management studies...
Megan Henderson wins the Outstanding Student Award in SCMT Concentration
Megan tells us why she loves management studies...
Brooke Huse wins the Outstanding Student Award in SCMT Concentration
Brooke tells us why she loves management studies...