UNO CFAM College Bylaws
Article I. Bylaw Review
The College Executive Committee and the College Faculty Personnel Committee will review the bylaws annually during the spring semester to ensure the bylaws meet the needs of the college and address issues relevant to effective and efficient college functioning. Amendments to the bylaws will be made in accordance with Article VIII of the College Constitution.
Article II. Committee Elections and Appointments
Section 1:
Representatives for all committees specified in the CFAM Constitution shall be elected/selected in accord with procedures described in the Constitution. For committees without specified selection processes, the Dean shall determine method of selection.
Section 2:
Elections for CFAM committee vacancies each academic year shall be held before the end of the first week of Fall semester classes and members shall assume their duties beginning the following week.
Section 3:
If there are more than two choices on an election ballot, the college will use the Hare preferential system for marking and counting ballots. All references to elections in the Constitution and bylaws shall be interpreted to include this procedure.
Section 4:
Vacancies on college committees shall be filled by seating the first runner-up if so designated by the appropriate unit in the respective committee election immediately preceding the vacancy. If the first runner-up is not available, the second runner-up if so designated by the appropriate unit in the respective committee election immediately preceding the vacancy will be seated. If the first or second runner-ups are not available, or if the unit has not designated a first or second runner-up, the appropriate unit shall conduct a new election. The Dean’s Office will maintain a list of all elected committee members and all first and second runners-up.
Section 5:
The person who fills a vacancy under the provisions of Section 4 above shall serve out the remainder of the unexpired term and shall be eligible for election to a successive regular term.
Section 6:
Where appropriate, faculty and staff from one unit may be asked to serve, on an ad-hoc basis, on a committee in another unit; for example, committees advising on equipment purchases and search committees. Professional staff members may be asked, on an ad-hoc basis, to advise on course development and to sit on department and college committees as appropriate.
Article III. Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure
Section 1:
Each academic unit shall develop and adopt Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Guidelines consistent with the Board of Regents, University of Nebraska at 51社区 and College of Communication, Fine Arts, and Media guidelines and appropriate for their specific programs.
Section 2:
The Faculty Personnel Committee shall use the appropriate unit guidelines in evaluating each candidate for tenure. For faculty hired in tenure-track positions after January 1, 2008, the Faculty Personnel Committee shall use the CFAM Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria, Policies, and Procedures approved by the CFAM faculty on October 2, 2007 for making its tenure recommendations. For faculty hired in tenure-track positions before January 1, 2008, the Faculty Personnel Committee shall make its tenure recommendations based on the college criteria, policies, and procedures supplied to the candidate at time of hire in the tenure-track position, or the CFAM Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria, Policies, and Procedures approved by the CFAM faculty on October 2, 2007 if so chosen by the candidate.
Section 3:
For all applications for faculty non-tenure related promotion submitted after January 1, 2008, the Faculty Personnel Committee shall use the CFAM Reappointment, Promotion, and Tenure Criteria, Policies, and Procedures approved by the CFAM faculty on October 2, 2007 for making its recommendations.
Article IV. Campus/Community Responsibilities and General Education Requirements
Section 1:
The college has on-going campus responsibilities in such areas as general education, graduate programs, teacher preparation, and Student Fee-Fund B programming, and community service responsibilities in such areas as outreach and service learning. The college has additional responsibilities through KVNO Radio and UNO Television in community public service and campus-wide academic support.
Section 2:
Each academic unit shall develop and adopt General Education distribution requirements consistent with the University of Nebraska at 51社区 general education requirements and College of Communication, Fine Arts and Media guidelines and appropriate for their specific programs.
Nothing in these Bylaws shall be construed to be in conflict with any applicable law or with the Bylaws of the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska, which may be amended from time-to-time; and in cases of conflict between these Bylaws and the Bylaws of the Board of Regents or any applicable law, the latter shall take precedence.
Created 12/8/2004.
Revised 5/6/2008, 12/19/2008, 5/14/2010, 9/19/11, 5/15/13, 8/18/16.