School of Communication Audio Program Ranked 5th In Nation
The program is ranked #1 in Nebraska.
- published: 2023/05/16
- search keywords:
- School of Communication
- Audio Program
The Broadcast Education Association (BEA) has ranked the School of Communication Audio Program 5th in the nation based on the creative achievement of students. The Audio Program is part of the Journalism and Mass Communication unit that includes MavRadio and Radio I and Radio II classes that are led by award-winning faculty member Jodeane Newcomb Brownlee.
The rankings are based on the results from the annual BEA Festival of Media Arts. The BEA Festival is the preeminent international media competition focused on student and faculty creative endeavors.
In the last five years, nearly 6,000 student creative works were submitted from more than 300 member institutions worldwide for BEA’s extensive juried process.
The BEA rankings take a unique approach to the evaluation of academic media programs. Instead of being an overall evaluation of an academic unit’s curriculum and structure, the rankings are done by student success, quality and consistency of student’s works. This includes the quality of the productions such as writing, editing, mixing, content, and vocal quality.
The media categories include Audio, Documentary, Film & Video, Interactive Multimedia & Emerging Technologies, News, Scriptwriting, and Sports.
In addition to being the 5th ranked Audio Program in the nation, and #1 in Nebraska, the School of Communcation's Journalism and Mass Communication program is ranked 34th overall in the nation.
About the Broadcast Education Association (BEA)
The BEA is the premiere international academic media organization, driving insights, excellence in media production, and career advancement for educators, students, and professionals. There are currently more than 2,000 individual and institutional members worldwide.
Want to learn more? Contact Dr. Heather Hundley, School of Communication Director,