CPAR is the lead agency of the Nebraska State Data Center program. This relationship has resulted in our taking an active role in analyzing and disseminating Census and other data.
About the Nebraska State Data Center
The State Data Center program was created in 1978 as a cooperative program between the and individual states to make data available locally to the public through a network of state agencies, universities, libraries, and regional and local governments. The SDCs and their networks are official sources of demographic, economic, and social statistics produced by the Census Bureau.
The Nebraska SDC network includes three coordinating agencies and 20 affiliate agencies located throughout the state. You can contact us or your local affiliate for assistance with your data needs. A list of organizations is below or view the Nebraska State Data Center Network Directory as a PDF.
Nebraska State Data Center Network Members
CPAR's Data and Research Series for Community Impact
The Nebraska State Data Center conducts an annual professional development program called CPAR's Data and Research Series for Community Impact, formerly the Nebraska Data Users Conference. This annual series is for anyone who uses — or wants to use data — to understand and affect change in our communities.