Being a doctoral student in UNO's School of Public Administration is challenging. We offer students with a variety of resources that will prove beneficial in the journey from doctoral student to doctoral candidate, and ultimately the transition to an alumnus.
Path to a Ph.D.
This is a typical timeline but may be shorter or longer for each student.
Years One & Two |
Students typically begin their first semester (fall) by taking two core seminars (PA 9000 and PA 9300) and a research design course (PA 9800). They also work with a Supervisory Committee Chair and the Doctoral Program Committee Chair to submit a Doctoral Program Committee and Course Plan by the end of the second semester. See the for help with mapping out classes. Over the next three semesters, students typically complete the remaining core seminars (PA 9200, PA 9400, PA 9500, PA 9600 and PA 9700). research methods courses (PA 9950, PA 9960), a 1-credit hour Teaching & Professional Skills Workshop (PA 9920), Research and Professional Skills Workshop or Design (PA 9930) and two specialization courses. Field Exams are typically taken in the summer at the end of year two (or can also be done by the end of year three). Before taking Field Exams, students work with their Supervisory Committee Chair to form a Dissertation committee (submit Appointment of Supervisory Committee form) who writes exam questions. Upon successful completion of field exams, students apply for Admission to Candidacy for the Doctoral Degree. |
Continuous Enrollment & Good Standing | Once doctoral students begin their program, they may not stop out for one or more semesters without an approved leave of absence from the Doctoral Program Committee. Students must also remain in good standing, maintaining a minimum GPA 3.33 average for all Ph.D. course work. |
Years Three & Four | Students work with their Supervisory Committee Chair to develop a Dissertation Proposal (while enrolled in PA 9970, Directed Research). Once the Supervisory Committee Chair has approved the Dissertation Proposal, it is sent to the rest of the Supervisory Committee. Defense of the proposal will occur before a majority of the members of the Supervisory Committee, and the Chair of the Doctoral Program, no earlier than two weeks after the proposal has been distributed. Upon completion of the proposal defense, students should submit the Proposal Defense Form. Once the Dissertation Proposal has been successfully defended, students proceed with submitting their Institutional Review Board (IRB) paperwork (if necessary), and then begin the data collection and analysis phase of the dissertation. As doctoral candidates are writing their dissertation, they should work closely with their Supervisory Committee Chair. The defense of the dissertation will be scheduled only when the Chair of the Supervisory Committee and Readers indicate that it is ready for the defense. Supervisory Committee member must sign off on the Application Form for Final Oral Examination, which should be submitted at least 3 weeks before the defense. The defense will be conducted by the Supervisory Committee and Doctoral Program Chair, and will be open to the public. Refer to the Dissertation format here. |
Application for Graduation | Once the dissertation has been successfully defended, the doctoral candidate will work with the Supervisory Committee Chair to complete the necessary steps for graduation, as well as to file the Report on Completion of Degree Form. Doctoral Candidates should be mindful of the degree deadlines () if interested in participating in Graduation Ceremonies. |
Students should be mindful that they have eight years from the date of filing the Program of Study to earn the Ph.D. On rare occasions this deadline may be extended for one or more semesters at the discretion of the Dean of Graduate Studies upon the recommendation of the Doctoral Program Committee.