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Student Worker Support for # OF STUDENT WORKERS is requested through the project. The student worker is estimated to work XX hours per week for XX weeks per year, at $XX per hour. The students responsibilities will be NEED DETAILS HERE. Fringe benefits are calculated at INSERT INFO ON INSTITUTIONS FRINGE BENEFITS. Actual amounts will be assigned. All salaries reflect an inflation factor of XX%. Equipment Support of $XX is requested for NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Travel Domestic Support of $XX through the year is requested to fund domestic travel for PI, Co-PIs, and senior personnel to attend NEED DETAILS HERE. Foreign Support of $XX through the year is requested to fund foreign travel for PI, Co-PIs and senior personnel to attend NEED DETAILS HERE. Participant Support Costs Support of $XX is requested for NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Other Direct Costs Material and Supplies Support of $XX through the year is requested for NEED DETAILS HERE. Publication Costs/Documentation/Dissemination NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Consultant Services NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Computer Services NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Subawards/Consortium/Contractual Costs NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Equipment or Facility Rental/User Fees NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Alterations and Renovations NEED DETAILS HERE or NA Total Direct Costs Total direct costs are $XX. Indirect Costs Total indirect costs are $XX, estimated at NEED DETAILS HERE. 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