What is the Student Research and Creative Activity Fair (RCAF)?
The RCAF provides a venue for UNO students, undergraduate, and graduate, to showcase their research and creative activity in oral presentations, poster presentations, exhibits, demonstrations, or performances.
When is the RCAF?
UNO's Annual Research and Creative Activity Fair is held every spring semester. The next UNO RCAF will be held March 22, 2024. Check back here for more information coming soon.
Is RCAF open to the public?
Yes. Please contact us at unoorca@unomaha.edu for guest details.
Is there a schedule for the day?
Yes. Please check out to get an idea of a typical fair schedule.
Who can participate?
All UNO students from all disciplines, departments, and degree levels, including engineering students from the UNL College of Engineering on the Scott Campus, are encouraged to present at the Fair. Approval from a faculty advisor and an abstract are the only registration requirements.
What types of presentations are possible?
Participants may display their work as a(n):
- Demonstration
- Exhibit
- Performance
- Oral Presentation
- Poster Presentation
All presentations are judged and have an 8- to 10-minute time limit, which includes Q&A.
Does my project have to be complete to participate?
No. Even if your project is in progress, you may present what you have accomplished so far and what you anticipate accomplishing with your project.
Where can I get my poster printed?
The UNO Creative Production Lab offers large format printing. Prices, deadlines, and policies can be found on their website.
Note: ORCA does not cover the cost of printing posters, but your academic department might. Please consult with your project advisor.
Are group presentations allowed?
Yes. Each presentation must have a primary presenter and that person should submit the registration and list the other presenters in the designated form block.
Can I present more than one project?
Yes. Each presenter may participate in up to two fair presentations.
Will my presentation be judged?
Yes. Many 51社区 community professionals serve as judges. Judges will not be specialists in any particular discipline and will evaluate the general presentation skills of the participants.
Are any prizes awarded?
Yes. The awards ceremony takes place after all presentations have been delivered, at approximately 4 p.m.