Faculty and staff must request access and receive training in Cascade CMS.
Go to logging in to Cascade CMS
Access to Cascade CMS
There are two roles for the management of web content:
- Content Approver
- Content Contributor
All university colleges, departments, and offices should have a Web Content Lead. The Web Lead will be the Content Approver and is responsible for approving and rejecting web edits through Cascade's workflow process. A second Content Approver should be identified by the Web Lead should the Web Lead be unavailable to approve edits.
- The Web Lead must be a full-time faculty or staff member.
- Student workers may be Content Contributors but must have their own Cascade access. Sharing logins and passwords is prohibited.
- A valid unomaha.edu email address is required.
- No person outside of the 51社区 may have access to UNO's CMS.
Becoming a Content Approver
In order to ensure the consistency and integrity of the unomaha.edu site, content approver privileges are restricted to experienced Cascade users. Once a new user has completed Cascade training, they are set as a content contributor for at least three months. If during that time there is no established web lead, the Digital Communications Team will serve as approver.
At the three-month mark, the content contributor will then need to complete a web lead training with the Digital Communications Team, which includes the rights and responsibilities of a content approver, website best practices, and learning about UNO's writing style and branding, in order to best evaluate edits made by content contributors associated with the site for which the approver is responsible.
Content approver access can then be granted with the additional approval from the web lead/communicator for the associated division/college as long as the maximum number of approvers (3) has not been met.
Responsibilities of Content Approver
- Receive training in web editing and workflow process.
- Ensure that content posted adheres to university policies, Digital Communications Governance, brand and writing style guidelines, accessibility guidelines, and copyright and privacy rules.
- Ensure content is reviewed and refreshed annually.
- Follow best practices for web writing.
- Contacts Digital Communications via this form if other services are needed beyond content updates, such as page creation, page content reorganization, widget placement, video placement, navigation changes, etc.
- Inform Digital Communications of their unit's content contributors, i.e. if a contributor leaves or a new contributor has been designated.
Requesting Access to Cascade CMS
Web Leads should request access for an existing Cascade user, whether they are a Content Contributor or Approver, to their unit's website via the Start Your Project form.
The request must include:
- Status of person—Approver or Contributor
- Full name of that person
- Email address of that person
- Name of unit/site
If you want to request access to someone who is not already a Cascade user, that person must first complete Cascade training. Access will be available the day of the training session.
Logging in to Cascade
The URL for UNO's Cascade CMS is:
Username: Your NetID (e.g. jsmith)
Password: Your unomaha.edu email password