Students in programs receiving DHS funding may direct discrimination inquiries and file complaints directly with DHS within 180 days. Information about how to file a complaint and related procedures can be found at .
You may file your complaint in a number of ways:
- E-mail: (the fastest method to submit your complaint)
- Fax: 202.401.4708
- Package/Overnight Delivery: Please contact CRCL for information on sending a package.
- U.S. Postal Mail (this method can take up to 20 business days)
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Office for Civil Rights and Civil Liberties
Compliance Branch, Mail Stop # 0190
2707 Martin Luther King Jr Ave SE
Washington, DC 20528-0190
If you have questions, you may also contact CRCL by telephone:
- Local:
- Toll Free:
- Local TTY:
- Toll-Free TTY: