Army ROTC is a college elective that teaches you the skills needed for a successful career in the United States Army. It allows students to work on their academic studies while taking military science (MS) courses. The courses are a combination of classroom lectures and hands-on training. Students enrolled in Army ROTC train with their peers on physical fitness three to four times a week while also participating in a weekly leadership lab that exposes them to squad and platoon tactics, land navigation, and other team building activities that teach critical thinking.
You can try out Army ROTC during your freshman (MSI) and sophomore (MSII) years without incurring any military service obligation. If you decide that you are up to the challenges that the Army offers, you will continue to the advanced courses (MSIII and MSIVs) of Army ROTC while completing your degree.
A the conclusion of your academic four years, you will graduate with your degree and earn a commission as a Second Lieutenant in the United States Army, Army National Guard, or Army Reserves. Regardless of whether you decide to stay the entire duration of the program and earn your commission or just try Army ROTC for a few years, you will no doubt leave the program with unmatched leadership skills and a well-earned confidence that will help you to be successful in any job you do.
UNO offers Military Science courses - view the catalog.
Your Cadre
Meet the team dedicated to UNO's Army ROTC program.