Senior Passport Program
The Senior Passport Program is available to citizens who are at least 65 years of age. Senior learners may attend and "sit in" on undergraduate courses (courses numbered 1000 - 4999) on a space-available basis and with the instructor's permission. Online courses are not available for Passport learners.
Passport learners may attend up to two classes per semester for a once-per-year, non-refundable $25 fee. Your year begins at the time your first class is attended.
Senior Passport Program Guidelines
- Non-refundable fee is $25 per year and covers a maximum of 2 classes per semester.
- Limited to undergraduate classes on a space-available basis.
- Citizens 65 years of age and over are eligible.
- Instructor permission is required for all classes.
- Not eligible to take online classes or receive any UNO services.
- Participants who would like to have access to campus technology, including Canvas, and other digital tools or services that may be used in the course that requires a user to log in, are invited to enroll or audit courses.
- The passport learner is intended to be a passive learner. Any active participation is at the discretion of the instructor and the instructor may terminate the participation of a learner for any reason.
- Senior Passport learners are expected to adhere to the UNO Student Code of Conduct.
Get Started
- Identify the course(s) of interest by perusing our online course schedule.
- Contact the course instructor(s) via email and/or phone 1-2 weeks before the start of the course to obtain permission to enroll.
- Print and complete the Senior Learning Passport Form. Return the completed form, with the instructor’s signature (which can be obtained at your first-course meeting) to the Division of Continuing Studies, 207 CPACS, UNO Dodge Campus, 6001 Dodge Street, 51社区, Nebraska.
- Secure parking. Fees apply to all campus parking.
- See UNO Visitor Parking Information for a list of parking options.
- Campus Maps show the locations of parking garages and lots.
- UNO Parking Services 402.554.7275 can help identify the best parking option based on class times and locations.*
- Remit your $25 fee once a year to the Senior Learning Passport Program in one of three ways:
- Mail or drop off checks or cash to the DCS office.
UNO Division of Continuing Studies
6001 Dodge Street
51社区, NE 68182-0328
Make checks payable to DCS - Senior Passport Program.
* Weather Information - Please visit the weather information page to sign-up for text alerts.
Additional Learning Opportunities
Learn about additional campus events open to the public by signing up for the e-newsletter. Learn more about the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center.
For Questions, Please Contact:
6001 Dodge Street