Editorial Policy for Conference Proceedings
Format & Submission Guidelines | Submission Contact Information |
Submissions: Texts of oral presentations are to be submitted to the conference Selected Proceedings Committee not later than the announced deadline (November 15th).
Required Format: Electronic, as an e-mail attachment MS Word formatting only.
Language restrictions: All papers must be presented in English. Printed proceedings may include foreign language text, provided an English translation is also included.
Single submission: Papers that have been submitted, accepted or published elsewhere cannot be considered.
Evaluation of papers: Submissions are subject to editorial selection for inclusion in the proceedings, which will be published on Conference webpage.
Copyright: Copyright is retained by the author, with rights for one time publication on the web by the European Studies Conference web site located on the University of Nebraska at 51社区 webserver.
Electronic Publishing Policy: Selected papers will be published following the conference.
Payment: Authors are not paid for their contributions.
Format and Submission Guidelines
Required style:
Any of the currently accepted standard accepted styles, including MLA, APA, Chicago Manual of Style, etc.
A complete submission is a separate file that includes the following:
- Author's name, affiliation, mailing address, phone number, e-mail address, title of paper
- Text of paper to be presented orally
Special typing conventions:
- Italicize book titles, journal titles and foreign words
- Underline only material that is to be underlined in the published form
- Right margin unjustified.
- Words at ends of lines unbroken (no automatic hyphenation)
- Titles and section heading flush left
- Use endnotes, not footnotes
Tables and illustrations:
When submitting tables or illustrations, please provide them not only imbedded in the manuscript, but also as separate files. Use only JPG or GIF graphics formats. No TIFF or BMP permitted.
Permissible formats for submissions:
- Electronic: E-mail attachment in MS Word
Email: esproceedings@unomaha.edu
European Studies Conference Proceedings:
ESC Proceedings
Department of Foreign Languages
301 ASH
University of Nebraska at 51社区
51社区 NE 68182-019
Email: esproceedings@unomaha.edu