"Great people have great values and great ethics." - Jeffrey Gitomer
Concentration in Ethics & Values
In this concentration, you'll discover the manner in which our ethics and values impinge on the rest of our lives. Analyzing the cross-cultural significance of human values, ethical practices, and social movements in the geo-politics of globalization and sustainability, you'll explore the relationship between ethics and other facets of human experience such as the cultural, political, religious, and economic.
You'll also investigate the nature of conflict and different strategies for conflict resolution. The application of a wide variety of theories and methodologies from philosophy, religious studies, and political science will be emphasized in this exploration of the human condition.
The result will be a deeper theoretical understanding of the multifaceted relationships between ethics and values, as well as a fuller tool box of ways to respond to the tensions that often erupt from the collision of different ethics and values.
For more information on this and other concentrations in the MA CCT, or to view course listings and course descriptions, please see the .
Faculty Profile: Dr. Rory ConcesDr. Rory Conces, who has been a part of the MA CCT since its inception in 2015, discusses student engagement, his experience overseas, and his passion for urban running. Read more. |