Recent Department Publications
Accepted for Publication, To Appear
From, S., An Improved Hoeffding's Inequality of Closed Form Using Refinements of the Arithmetic Mean-Geometric Mean Inequality. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods.
From, S., and Ratnasingam, S., Some efficient closed form estimators of the parameters of the Generalized Pareto Distribution, Environ. Ecol. Stat., Springer, 18 (accepted for publication, to appear).
Bergman, A.M.; Gallagher, K.; Zazkis, R., Prospective teachers’ responses to students’ dialogue on fractions: attribute substitution and heuristic approaches, Res. Math. Educ. DOI: 10.1080/14794802.2021.2020155
Gallagher, K.; Bergman, A. M.; Zazkis, R, Engagement with Mathematics as Catalyst for Backward Transfer, Learn. Math., 42(2), 42-47.
George, W.; Gallagher, K., , J. Humanist. Math., 12(2).
Hu, Y., Euler class of taut foliations and Dehn filling, Comm. Anal. Geom. .
Yang Y.; Vitor F., A Double-Pivot Degenerate-Robust Simplex Algorithm for Linear Programming, International Journal of Operational Research, (in press).
Huang, C.; Cheng, X., Estimation of Aircraft Fuel Consumption by Modeling Flight Data from Avionics Systems., J. Air Trans. Mgmt., Vol. 99, 102181.
From, S.; Ratnasingam, S., Some new inequalities for the beta function and certain ratios of beta functions, Results Appl. Math., Elsevier, Vol. 15, Paper 100302, 17 pages.
Almaghrebi A.; Vitor F.; James K.; Al Juheshi F.; and Alahmad M., A Framework for Scheduling Household Charging of Electrical Vehicles, Proceedings of the 2022 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference & Expo (ITEC), 540-545.
Bailey J. P.; Easton T.; Vitor F., Octanary Polyhedral Branch and Bound for Integer Programs, International Journal of Operational Research, 43(4), 451-478.
Vitor F.; Easton T., Projected Orthogonal Vectors in Two-Dimensional Search Interior Point Algorithms for Linear Programming, Computational Optimization and Applications, 83(1), 211-246.
Baccouch, M., Analysis of a local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order elliptic problems on Cartesian grids, J. Numer. Methods Partial Differ. Equ., Vol. 37, 505-532.
Baccouch, M., Asymptomatically exat a posteriori error estimates for the local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear third-order Korteweg-de Vries equations in one space dimension. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., Vol. 17(6), 767-793.
Baccouch, M., Analysis of optimal superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear fourth-order boundary-value problems. Numer. Algorithms., Vol. 86, 1615-1650 .
Baccouch, M., Convergence and superconvergence of a local discontinuous Galerkin method for semilinear second-order elliptic problems on Cartesian grids, Commun. Appl. Math. Comput., DOI: 10.1007/s42967-021-00123-8.
Baccouch, M., Optimal superconvergence and asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimator for the local discontinuous Galerkin method for linear elliptic problems on Cartesian Grids, Appl. Num. Math., Vol. 162, 201-224.
Baccouch, M., The discontinuous Galerkin method for general nonlinear third-order ordinary differential equations, Appl. Num. Math., Vol. 162, 331-350.
Baccouch, M., Two efficient and reliable a posteriori error estimates for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to linear elliptic problems on Cartesian Grids, Ji. Sci. Comput., Vol. 87(76).
Baccouch, M.; Temimi, H., A high-order space-time ultra-weak discontinuous Galerkin method for the second-order wave equation in one space dimension, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 389, 11333.
Baccouch, M.; Temimi, H.; Ben-Romdhane, M., A discontinuous Galerkin method for systems of stochastic differential equations with applications to population biology, finance, and physics, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 388, 113297.
Almaghrebi, A.; Cheng, X.; James, K.; Alahmad, M., Analysis of PEV User Charging Behavior at Household Charging Stations, 51社区 Case Study. In 2021 IEEE Transp. Electrif. Conf. & Expo (ITEC), 561-566, .
Chen, Y. C.; Cheng, X.; Knepper, R., Performance of US Scientific Research Cyberinfrastructure: Structural and Relational Factors for Usage. DG. O2021: 22nd Annu. Int. Conf. Digit. Gov. Res., 424-436. .
Hannaford, L.; Cheng, X.,; Kunes-Connell, M., Predicting nursing baccalaureate program graduates using machine learning models: A quantitative research study, Nurse Educ. Today, Vol. 99, 104748. .
Williams, T.; Cheng, X.; Majumder, M.; Hastings, M.; Suh, H.; Dash, K.; Yeo, J. J., Collaborative Big Data Review for Educational Impact. School Community Journal, Vol. 30(2), 93-104.
From, S.; Ratnasingam, S., Some new bounds for moment-generating functions of various life distributions using mean residual life functions, J. Stat. Theory Pract., Vol. 15(21), Springer, 14 pages.
Gallagher, K.; Infante, N. E., A Case Study of Undergraduates’ Proving Behaviors and Uses of Visual Representations in Identification of Key Ideas in Topology, Int. J. Res. Undergrad. Math. Educ., Vol. 7(3), .
Matache, V., When is a scaled contraction hypercyclic?, Boll. Unione Mat. Ital., Vol. 14(2), 339-355.
Gomez-Johnson, K.; Jakopovic, P.; Rech, J.; Hodge-Zimmerman, A., Learning assistantships in college mathematics: Value for preservice teacher development, Transformative Dialogues: Teaching and Learning Journal, Vol. 14(2), .
Rech, J.; Jakopovic, P.; Seidl, H.; Lawson, G.; Pugh, R., , J. Math. Circ., Vol. 2(1).
Sahu, N.; Peng, D.; Sharif, H., Diagnosis-Steganography-Transmission: An Innovative Integrated Paradigm for ECG Healthcare, SN Comput. Sci., Vol. 2(4), 1-22.
Williams, M.; Apkarian, N.; Uhing, K. et al.; In the Driver’s Seat: Course Coordinators as Change Agents for Active Learning in University Precalculus to Calculus 2. Int. J. Res. Undergrad. Math. Ed., .
Pelz M.J., Velcsov M.T., , Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, Vol. 589, Issue 126621,
Arce W., Pierce J.E., Velcsov M.T.,
, Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, Vol. 147, Issue 110849, .
Goodrich C.S., Lyons B., Scapellato A., Velcsov M.T., , Journal of Difference Equations and Applications, Vol. 27, Issue 3, 317-341, .
Goodrich C.S., Lyons B., Velcsov M.T.,
, Communications on Pure and Applied Analysis, Vol. 20, Issue 1, 339-358, .
Vitor F., Easton T., Approximate and Exact Merging of Knapsack Constraints with Cover Inequalities, Optimization, Vol. 70(2), 437-460.
Meier, S.; Vitor F., Developing a Discrete Event Simulation Model to Overcome Human Trafficking, Proc. 2021 IISE Annu. Conf., 7-12.
Kabrikopaei, A.; Vitor F., Speech Recognition in Background Noise by a Convolution Neural Networks Model, Proc. 2021 IISE Annu. Conf., 794-799.
Baccouch, M., A finite difference method for stochastic nonlinear second-order boundary-value problems driven by additive noises. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model., Vol. 17, 368-389.
Baccouch, M., A posteriori error analysis of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the sine-Gordon equation in one space dimension. J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 366, 112432.
Baccouch, M., An adaptive local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems. Numer. Algorithms, Vol. 84(3), 1121-1153.
Baccouch, M., A superconvergent local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear fourth-order boundary-value problems. Int. J. Compute. Methods, Vol. 17(7), 1950035 (31 pages).
Baccouch, M.; Dodds, S., A two-link manipulator: simulation and control design, Int. J. Robot. Eng., Vol. 5 (028), DOI: 10.35840/2631-5106/4128.
Baccouch, M.; Temimi, H.; Ben-Romdhane, M., The discontinuous Galerkin method for stochastic differential equations driven by additive noises. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 152, 285-309.
Temimi, H.; Ben-Romdhane, M.; Baccouch, M.; Musa, M., A Two-Branched Numerical Solution of the Two-Dimensional Bratu's Problem. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 153, 202-216.
From, S., Some new upper and lower bounds for the Mills ratio. J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 486(1), 123872.
From, S.; Dragomir, S., Some inequalities for an integral operator and n-times differentiable functions, Acta Math. Univ. Comenian. (N.S.), Vol. 89(2), 195-213.
From, S.; Swift, A.W., Some New Bounds and Approximations on Tail Probabilities of the Poisson and Other Discrete Distributions. Probability in the Engineering and Informational Sciences, Vol. 34(1), 53-71.
Cutler, J.; Kass, N., Homomorphisism into loop-threshold graphs. Electron. J. Combin. Vol. 27(2), 38. .
Matache, V., Weighted composition operators on the Hilbert Hardy space of a half-plane. Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., Vol 65(3), 498-524.
Galeé, J. E.; Matache, V.; Miana, P. J.; Sánchez-Lajusticia, L., Hilbertian Hardy-Sobolev spaces on a half-plane. J. Math. Anal. Appl., Vol. 489(1), 25.
Wacker B., Velcsov M.T., Rogers J.A.,
, Journal of Complex Networks, Vol. 8, Issue 1, .
Baccouch, M., Analysis of optimal superconvergence of a local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order two-point boundary-value problems. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 145, 361-383.
Baccouch, M., A family of high order derivative-free iterative methods for solving root-finding problems, Int. J. Compute. Methods, Vol. 5:56.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the semi-discrete local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear KdV-type problems. Discrete Continuous Dyn. Syst. Ser. B Vol. 24(1), 19-54.
Baccouch, M.; Kaddeche, S., Efficient Chebyshev pseudospectral methods for viscous Burgers' equations in one and two space dimensions, Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math., Vol. 5(1), 1-25.
Ben-Romdhane, M.; Temimi, H.; Baccouch, M., An Iterative Finite Difference Method for Approximating the Two-Branched Solution of Bratu's Problem. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 139, 62-76.
Baccouch, M.; Temimi, Hi.; Ben-Romdhane, M., Optimal error estimates and superconvergence of an ultra weak discontinuous Galerkin method for fourth-order boundary-value problems. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 137, 91-115.
Baccouch, M., Optimal error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the two-dimensional sine-Gordon equation on Cartesian grids. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model, Vol. 16(3), 436-462.
From, S.; Dragomir, S.S., Some New Refinements of Jensen's Discrete Inequality. Sarajevo J. Math., Vol. 15(1), 37-48.
Hu, Y.; Boyer, S., , Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol. 372(11), 7921 - 7957.
Kass, N.; Rammaha, M. A., On wave equations of the p-Laplacian type with supercritical nonlinearities. Nonlinear Anal. Vol. 183, 70-101.
Friend, M.; Jakopovic, P. M.; Love, B. N.; Winter, V. Bricklayer: Mathematics Through Art and Coding. Proceedings of Society for Information Technology & Teacher Education International Conference.
Jakopovic, P. M.; Friend, M.; Love, B. N.; Winter, V. Changing the Game: Teaching Elementary Mathematics Through Coding. Association for the Advancement of Computing Education. 1, 6.
Winter, V.; Love, B. N.; Friend, M.; Matthews, M., A Computer Scientist Teaches Gen Ed Math. IEEE International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence.
Winter, V.; Friend, M.; Matthews, M.; Love, B. N.; Vasireddy, S., Using Visualization to Reduce the Cognitive Load of Threshold Concepts in Computer Programming. IEEE Frontiers in Education, 9.
Matache, V., Composition operators similar to contractions. Acta. Sci. Math., Vol. 85, 561-571.
Camenga, K.; Deaett, L.; Rault, P. X.; Sendova, T.; Spitkovsky, I.; Johnson Yates, R., Singularities of Base Polynomials and Gau-Wu Numbers Linear Algebra and Its Applications. Linear Algebra Appl. Vol. 581, 112-127.
Roslanowski, A.; Shelah, S., Borel sets without perfectly many overlapping transitions. Rep. Math. Logic. Vol. 54, 3-43.
Roslanowski, A.; Shelah, S., The last forcing standing with diamonds. Fundam. Math. Vol. 246, 109-159.
Ciurej, A.K.; Oblander, A.; Swift, A.W.; Wilson, J.A., Melanism as a potential thermal benefit in eastern fox squirrels (Sciurus niger). European Journal of Ecology, Vol. 5(2).
Baccouch, M., Asymptotically exact a posteriori error estimates for the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to nonlinear convection-diffusion problems. J. Sci. Comput., Vol. 76(3), 1868-1904.
Baccouch, M., A stochastic local discontinuous Galerkin method for stochastic two-point boundary-value problems driven by additive noises. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 128, 43-64.
Baccouch, M., A superconvergent local discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear two-point boundary-value problems. J. Numer. Algorithms, Vol. 79(3), 697-718.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the sine-Gordon equation in one space dimension, J. Comput. Appl. Math., Vol. 333, 292-313.
Baccouch, M., A posteriori local discontinuous Galerkin error estimates for the one-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Int. J. Comput. Math., Vol. 95, 815-844.
Friend, M.; Matthews, M.; Love, B. N.; Winter, V.; Moisset, D.; Goodwin, I., Bricklayer: Elementary students learn math through programming and art. Proceedings of the 49th ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education.
Pentzien T., Puniya B.L., Helikar T., Matache M.T., Rogers J.A., , Frontiers in Physiology, Vol. 9, Issue 1185, .
Matache, V., Problems on weighted and unweighted composition operators. Complex analysis and dynamical systems - New trends and open problems, 191-217.
Roslanowski A.; Rykov, V., Not so many non-disjoint translations. Pro. Amer. Math. Soc. Ser. B. Vol. 5, 73-84.
Roslanowski A.; Shelah, S., Small-large subgroups of the reals. Math. Slovaca. Vol. 68, 473-484.
Baccouch, M., A posteriori error estimates and adaptivity for the discontinuous Galerkin solutions of nonlinear second-order initial-value problems. Appl. Numer. Math. Vol. 121, 18-37.
Baccouch, M., A recovery-based error estimator for the discontinuous Galerkin method for transient linear hyperbolic conservation laws on Cartesian grids. Int. J. Comput. Methods. Vol. 14(6) 1-43.
Baccouch, M., A posteriori error estimator based on derivative recovery for the discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear hyperbolic conservation laws on Cartesian grids. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. Vol. 33(4), 1224-1265.
Baccouch, M., A Family of High Order Numerical Methods for Solving Nonlinear Algebraic Equations with Simple and Multiple Roots. Int. J. Appl. Comput. Math., Vol. 3, 1119-1133.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order initial-value problems for ordinary differential equations. Appl. Numer. Math., Vol. 115, 160-179.
Baccouch, M., An optimal a posteriori error estimates of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the second-order wave equation in one space dimension. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 14(3), 355-380.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear second-order initial-value problems for ordinary differential equations. Appl. Numer. Math. Vol. 115, 160-179.
Baccouch, M., Optimal energy-conserving local discontinuous Galerkin method for the one-dimensional sine-Gordon equation. Int. J. Comput. Math. Vol. 94(2), 316-344.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method for the sine-Gordon equation on Cartesian grids. Appl. Numer. Math. Vol. 113, 124-155.
Elder, G.; Underwood, R., Finite group scheme extensions, and Hopf orders in KCp2 over a characteristic p discrete valuation ring. New York J. Math. Vol. 23, 11-39.
From, S., Nonparametric confidence intervals for the extinction probability of a Galton-Watson branching process. Comm. Statist. Theory Methods. Vol. 46(3), 1202-1217.
From, S., Some new inequalities of Hermite-Hadamard and Fejér type for certain functions with higher convexity. Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 14(1):10.
Bonham-Carter, O.; Thapa, I.; From, S.; Bastola, D., A study of bias and increasing organismal complexity from their post-translational modifications and reaction site interplays. Briefings in Bioinformatics. Vol. 18(1), 69-84.
Majumder, M.; Cheng, X., Focusing on the needs: Experiences of Developing a Data Science Program. J. Comput. Graph. Stat. 26(4), 779-780.
Matache, V., Nonminimal cyclic invariant subspaces of hyperbolic composition operators. Complex analysis and dynamical systems VII, 247–262, Contemp. Math. 699.
Gallardo-Gutiérrez, Eva A.; Matache, V., Conjectures on spectra of composition operators and related issues. Adv. Math. Vol 322, 1085-1098.
Sellers, K.F.; Swift, A.W.; Weems, K.S., A flexible distribution for count data. Journal of Statistical Distributions and Applications. Vol. 4:23.
Baccouch, M., Recovery-Based Error Estimator for the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Nonlinear Scalar Conservation Laws in One Space Dimension. J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 66(2), 459-476.
Baccouch, M., A Posteriori Error Analysis of the Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Two-Dimensional Linear Hyperbolic Conservation Laws on Cartesian Grids. J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 68(3), 945-974.
Baccouch, M., Analysis of a posteriori error estimates of the discontinuous Galerkin method for nonlinear ordinary differential equations. Appl. Numer. Math. Vol. 106, 129-153.
Baccouch, M., Optimal a Posteriori Error Estimates of the Local Discontinuous Galerkin Method for Convection-Diffusion Problems in one Space Dimension. J. Comput. Math. Vol. 34(5), 511-531.
Baccouch, M., The Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Method for Ordinary Differential Equations. In R. Petrova (Ed.) Perusal of the Finite Element Method, 63-96. Rijeka, Croatia: InTech.
Baccouch, M.; Johnson, B., A high-order discontinuous Galerkin method for Itô stochastic ordinary differential equations. J. Comput. Appl. Math. Vol. 308, 138-165.
Baccouch, M.; Temimi, H., Analysis of optimal error estimates and superconvergence of the discontinuous Galerkin method for convection-diffusion problems in one space dimension. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 13, 403-434.
Cheng, X.; Cook, D.; Hofmann, H., Enabling Interactivity on Displays of Multivariate Time Series and Longitudinal Data. J. Comput. Graph. Statist. Vol. 25(4), 1057-1076.
From, S.,; Suthakaran, R., Some New Refinements of the Arithmetic, Geometric and Harmonic Mean Inequalities with Applications. Appl. Math. Sci. Vol. 10(52), 2553-2569.
From, S., Some new generalizations of Jensen's inequality with related results and applications. Aust. J. Math. Anal. Appl. Vol. 13(1):1.
Cook, D.; Lee, E-K,; Majumder, M., Data Visualization and Statistical Graphics in Big Data Analysis. Annual Review of Statistics and Its Application Vol. 3, 133-159.
Puniya, B.; Allen, L.; Hochfelder, C.; Majumder, M.; Helikar, T., Systems Perturbation Analysis of a Large-Scale Signal Transduction Model Reveals Potentially Influential Candidates for Cancer Therapeutics. Front. Bioeng. Biotechnol. Vol. 4.
Matache, M.T.; Matache, V., . Bull. Math. Biol. Vol. 78(7), 1520-1545.
Matache, V., Invertible and normal composition operators on the Hilbert Hardy space of a half-plane Concr. Oper. Vol. 3, 77-84.
Matthews, M.; Hodge, A., Using IBL in a History of Mathematics Course: A Skeptic's Success. Journal of Humanistic Mathematics. Vol. 6(2), 23-37.
Zhang, L.; Wang, Z., Ranking Fuzzy Numbers with Goodness Criteria and Its Applications in Stock Performance Evaluation. Research and Applications in Economics. Vol. 3, 1-8.
Baccouch, M.; Adjerid, S., A posteriori local discontinuous Galerkin error estimation for two-dimensional convection-diffusion problems. J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 62(2), 399-430.
Baccouch, M., Asymptotically exact local discontinuous Galerkin error estimates for the linearized Korteweg-de Vries equation in one space dimension. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 12(1), 162-195.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence and a posteriori error estimates of the DG method for scalar hyperbolic problems on Cartesian grids. Appl. Math. Comput. Vol. 265, 144-162.
Baccouch, M., Asymptotically exact a posteriori local discontinuous Galerkin error estimates for the one-dimensional second-order wave equation. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. Vol. 31(5), 1461-1491.
Cheng, X.; Cook, D.; Hofmann, H., Visually Exploring Missing Values in Multivariable Data Using a Graphical User Interface.J. Statistical Software Vol. 68(6).
From, S., Some new inequalities for a sum of exponential functions. Appl. Math. Sci. Vol. 9(109), 5429-5439.
Ernst, D.; Hodge, A.; Schultz, A., Enhancing Proof Writing via Cross-Institutional Peer Review. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. Vol. 25(2), 121-130.
Love, B.; Hodge, A.; Corritore, C.; Ernst, D., Inquiry-Based Learning and the Flipped Classroom Model. PRIMUS: Problems, Resources, and Issues in Mathematics Undergraduate Studies. Vol. 25(8), 745-762.
Grandgenett, N.; Boocker, D.; Ali, H.; Hodge, A.; Dorn, B.; Cutucache, C., Community Chairs as a Catalyst for Campus Collaboration. Metropolitan Universities. Vol. 26(1), 71-96.
Konvalina, J., Powers of Matrices and Algebraic Centrosymmetry. Amer. Math. Monthly. Vol. 122(3), 277-279.
Konvalina, J., A Combinatorial Formula for Powers of 2 X 2 Matrices. Math. Mag. Vol. 88(4), 280-284.
Chowdhury, N.; Cook, D.; Hofmann, H.; Majumder, M.; Lee, E-K.; Toth, A., Using visual statistical inference to better understand random class separations in high dimension, low sample size data. Comput. Statist. Vol. 30(2), 293-316.
Pandey, P.; Pasternack, P.; Majumder, M.; Soupir, M.; Kaiser, M., A neighborhood statistics model for predicting stream pathogen indicator levels. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. Vol. 187(3), 124.
Dimitrova, E.S.; Yordanov, O.I.; Matache, M.T., . Phys. Rev. E. Vol. 91, 062812.
Matache, V., Invariant subspaces of composition operators. J. Operator Theory. Vol. 73(1), 243-264.
Matache, V., On Spectra of Composition Operators. Oper. Matrices. Vol. 9(2), 277-303.
Filipczak; Tomasz; Roslanowski, A.; Shelah, S., On Borel hull operations. Real Analysis Exchange. Vol. 40(1), 129-140.
Yang, R.; Wang, Z., Cross-oriented choquet integrals and their applications on data classification. Journal of Intelligenct and Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 28(1), 205-216.
Kochi, N.; Wang, Z., Solving nonlinear programming problems based on the Choquet integral by a genetic algorithm. Journal of Intelligenct and Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 29(1), 437-442.
Yang, R.; Wang, Y.; Wang, Z., Classifier based on GA-optimized choquet integrals and its application on foreground detection1. Journal of Intelligenct and Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 29(2), 673-684.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence of the local discontinuous Galerkin method applied to the one-dimensional second-order wave equation. Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. Vol. 30(3), 862-901.
Baccouch, M., Asymptotically exact a posteriori LDG error estimates for one-dimensional transient convection-diffusion problems. Appl. Math. Comput. Vol. 226, 455-483.
Baccouch, M., Global convergence of a posteriori error estimates for a discontinuous Galerkin method for one-dimensional linear hyperbolic problems. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Vol. 11(1), 172-192.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence and a posteriori error estimates for the LDG method for convection-diffusion problems in one space dimension. Comput. Math. Appl. Vol. 67(5), 1130-1153.
Baccouch, M., The local discontinuous Galerkin method for the fourth-order Euler-Bernoulli partial differential equation in one space dimension. Part I: Superconvergence error analysis. J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 59(3), 795-840.
Baccouch, M., The local discontinuous Galerkin method for the fourth-order Euler-Bernoulli partial differential equation in one space dimension. Part II: A posteriori error estimation. J. Sci. Comput. Vol. 60(1), 1-34.
Baccouch, M., A posteriori error estimates for a discontinuous Galerkin method applied to one-dimensional nonlinear scalar conservation laws. Appl. Numer. Math. Vol. 84, 1-21.
Baccouch, M., Superconvergence and a posteriori error estimates of a local discontinuous Galerkin method for the fourth-order initial-boundary value problems arising in beam theory. Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. Ser. B Vol. 5(3), 188-216.
Baccouch, M., A superconvergent local discontinuous Galerkin method for the second-order wave equation on Cartesian grids. Comput. Math. Appl. Vol. 68(10), 1250-1278.
Adjerid, S.; Baccouch, M., Adaptivity and error estimation for discontinuous Galerkin methods. In X. Feng, O. Karakashian, Y. Xing (Eds.) Recent Developments in Discontinuous Galerkin Finite Element Methods for Partial Differential Equations, 63-96. New York, NY: Springer.
Byott, N.P.; Elder, G., Integral Galois Module Structure for Elementary Abelian Extensions with a Galois Scaffold. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. Vol.142(11), 3705-3712.
Hodge, A.; Love, B.; Grandgenett, N.; Swift A.W., A flipped classroom approach: Benefits and challenges of flipping the learning of procedural knowledge. In P. R. Lowenthal, C. S. York, J. C. Richardson (Eds.) Online learning: Common misconceptions, benefits and challenges, 49-60. Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers.
Love, B.; Hodge, A.; Grandgenett, N.; Swift A.W., Student learning and perceptions in a flipped linear algebra course. Internat. J. Math. Ed. Sci. Tech. Vol. 45(3), 317-324.
Taylor, J.; Love, B., Simple multi-attribute rating technique for renewable energy deployment decisions (SMART REDD). The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation: Applications, Methodology, Technology. Vol. 11(3), 227-232.
Kochi, N.; Helikar, T.; Allen, L.; Rogers, J.; Wang, Z.; Matache, M., . BMC Systems Biology. Vol. 8:92.
Wohlgemuth, J.; Matache, M., . Complex Systems. Vol. 23(3), 197-225.
Grandgenett, N.; Matthews, M.; Adcock, P.K., Teacher Certification through the Mathematics Department: One Institution's Journey. Mathematics & Computer Education. Vol. 48(3), 227-236.
Matache, V., Isometric weighted composition operators. New York J. Math. Vol. 20, 711-726.
Roslanowski, A.; Shelah, S., Around cofin Colloq. Math. Vol. 134(2), 211-225.
Roslanowski, A.; Shelah, S., Monotone hulls for N ∩ M. Period. Math. Hungar. Vol. 69(1), 79-95.
D'yachkov, A.; Kuzina, A.; Polyansky, N.; Macula, A.; Rykov, V., DNA codes for nonadditive stem similarity. Probl. Inf. Transm. Vol. 50(3), 247–269.
Stephens, L., Using Software in Teaching Statistics. Far East Journal of Mathematical Education. Vol. 13(2), 131-143.
Cai, X.; Todd, R., A cellular basis for the generalized Temperley–Lieb algebra and Mahler measure. Topology Appl. Vol. 178, 107-124.
Chu, J.; Wang, Z.; Shi, Y., A new nonlinear multiregression model based on lower and upper integrals. Annals of Data Science. Vol. 1(1), 109-125.
Kochi, N.; Wang, Z., An algebraic method and a genetic algorithm to the identification of fuzzy measures based on Choquet integrals. J. Intell. Fuzzy Systems. Vol. 26(3), 1393-1400.
Wang, W.; Wang, Z., Total orderings defined on the set of all fuzzy numbers. Fuzzy Sets and Systems. Vol. 243, 131-141.
Wang, Z.; Zhang-Westman, L.,New ranking method for fuzzy numbers by their expansion center. Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing Research. Vol. 4(3), 181-187.
Byott, N.P.; Elder, G., Galois scaffolds and Galois module structure in extensions of characteristic p local fields of degree p2. J. Number Theory. Vol. 133(11), 3598-3610.
From, S.; Swift, A.W., A refinement of Hoeffding's inequality. J. Stat. Comput. Simul. Vol. 83(5), 977-983.
Duffield, S.; Wegeman, J.; Hodge, A., Examining how professional development impacted teachers and students of U.S. history courses. The Journal of Social Studies Research. Vol. 37(2), 85-96.
White, D.; Donaldson, B.; Hodge, A.; Ruff, A., Examining the effects of Math Teachers’ Circles on teachers’ mathematical knowledge for teaching. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning.
Jansen, K.; Matache, M., . Eur. Phys. J. B. Vol. 86(7), 316.
Madrahimov, A.; Helikar, T.; Lu, G.; Kowal, B.; Rogers, J., Dynamics of Influenza Virus and Human Host Interactions During Infection and Replication Cycle. Bull. Math. Biol. Vol. 75(6), 988-1011.
Helikar, T.; Kowal, B.; Rogers. J., A Cell Simulator Platform: The Cell Collective. Clin Pharmacol Ther. Vol. 93(5), 393-395.
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