Meet our faculty and staff.
Teaching Faculty
Brady DeSanti, PhD
Lac Courte Oreilles Ojibwe
Director of Native American Studies
Associate Professor of Religious Studies
402.554.2628 Native American and Religious Studies
Brooktynn Blood
51社区 Tribe of Nebraska
bblood@unomaha.eduMichele Marie Desmarais, Ph.D.
Carolyn K. Fiscus
cfiscus@unomaha.eduCindy Krafka
Sicangu Lakota
ckrafka@unomaha.eduDr. Susana Grajales Geliga (Sicangu Lakota)
Assistant Professor of History and Native American Studies
** Executive Council
History & Native American Studies
sgeliga@unomaha.eduLaura Alexander, PhD
Sarah Nelson, Ph.D.
Affiliate of Medical Humanities, Native American Studies
snelson57@unomaha.eduLyn M. Holley
Maunka Morgan, MBA
Dr. Alan Joseph Osborn
Sociology & Anthropology, Associate Professor Great Plains Archaeology, Paleoindian Adaptations, Nutritional Anthropology
Dr. David James Peterson
English, Associate Professor
davidpeterso1@unomaha.eduCarol Redwing
Enrolled Yankton Dakota Tribe/Santee Dakota
Doctoral Student, Instructor
**Executive Council
School of Public Administration and Native American Studies
credwing@unomaha.eduBeth Ritter, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology and Native American Studies Federal Indian Policy
- Contemporary Native American Issues
Dr. Barbara K Robins
English, Associate Professor Native American Literature and Visual Arts, Historical Trauma, Native American responses to 9/11
Travis Robbins, PhD
Mark Scherer, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of History Nebraska and Great Plains Legal & political history Native American Legal History, American Revolutionary History
Dennis J. Smith, Ph.D.
Assiniboine (Fort Peck)
Associate Professor History
**Executive Council
402.554.3688 Northern Plains Tribes, Native American History, North American Indian Cultures
Miye Tom, Ph.D.
Catherine J. Warren
Gary Saul
Si膷h谩艐千u Lak葻贸ta Oy谩te, Umo鈦縣o鈦, Hoc膮k
Office Associate-Native American Studies
Inter-tribal Student Council, Treasurer
gsaul@unomaha.eduAffiliated Faculty
Timi Barone, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Anthropology Medical Anthropology; Ethnomedicine; Human Adaptation
Jeanne Reames, Ph.D.
402.554.2489 Ancient Greece and Macedonia, Alexander the Great, History of the Early Church Power politics at the court of Alexander the Great, Macedonian social h
Hugh Reilly
Director and Associate Professor of Communication
402.554.3543 Advertising; Journalism History; Public Relations
Emeritus Faculty
Jessiline Anderson, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Psychology
51社区 Tribe of Nebraska Psychological and endocrine disorders; Leadership styles of African-American women in the clergy; Suicide prevention/intervention strategies in Native
Jo Behrens
Professor Emerita
jlbehrens@unomaha.eduMike Carroll
Professor Emeritus
Goodrich Program
Dale Stover
Professor Emeritus
Michael Tate
Professor Emeritus