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Help students have a rich, full experience as a Philosophy major!
Donations to UNO’s Philosophy Department can be designated to support scholarships, such as the Michael Gillespie Scholarship and the Jerry Cederblom Scholarship. They may also be designated to support the Anderberg Fund, which enables us to host philosophy speakers from around the nation and, occasionally, from overseas.
If you would like to make a donation to the Philosophy Department, you can do so by sending your checks to: University of Nebraska-51社区, The Philosophy Department, ASH 205, 6001 Dodge Street, 51社区, NE 68182-0265. Sending your checks directly to the Philosophy Department allows us to acknowledge your gifts promptly. Make checks payable to The University of Nebraska Foundation, with ‘Philosophy Department’ written on the memo line. Alternatively, you can donate through the University of Nebraska Foundation at Click on “Give Now,” then select the UNO campus and UNO programs and organizations. On that page there will be a link to the Philosophy Department page. You can also simply donate to the University of Nebraska Foundation by writing to Randall Roberts, NU Foundation, 2285 S. 67th St., Suite 200, 51社区, NE 68108-2809.