What Will You Gain From a Minor in Sustainability?
Interdisciplinary programs are those programs that don't fit neatly into a predefined box. They cross the traditional lines of academic categorization to draw upon and add knowledge to multiple disciplines. They invoke art, science, music, culture and society to better understand complex ideas.
Knowledge and Skills Gained with a Sustainability Minor
- Knowledge of sustainability, its various sub-disciplines, major themes, and analytical techniques
- Understanding of the global ecosystem and the political, economic, and cultural forces acting upon it
- Appreciation for nature
- Identification of opportunities for sustainability across every major and discipline on campus
- Ability to examine written material and oral presentations critically
- Ability to gather relevant data and to use insight, knowledge, reasoning, and scientific skills to analyze that data and develop logical solutions
- Ability and desire to engage with problems of sustainability, and find solutions that work across sectors of society
- Ability to communicate ideas and information effectively, both verbally and in writing