Peer Refereed Publications
Below is a list of selected publications by faculty and students affiliated with the MSHRC.
2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | Other
Irwin, J. & Coleman, J. (2020). Coming out, competent care, and access: Health care experiences of lesbians in the Deep South. Strunk, KK, & Hafftka RZ (Eds.). Queering public health and public policy in the Deep South. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing. 93-110.
Anderson, Alecia D., Jay A. Irwin, Angela M. Brown, and Chris L. Grala. Your Picture Looks the Same as My Picture: An Examination of Passing in Transgender Communities. Gender Issues. 37:44-60.
Fisher, C.M., Kerr, L., Ezer, P., Pelster, A.D., Coleman, J.D., & Tibbits, M.K. (2020). Adolescent perspectives on addressing teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections in the classroom and beyond. Sex Education. 20 1, 90-100.
Herbenick, D., van Anders, S.M., Brotto, L.A. Chivers, M., Jawed-Wessel, S. & Galarza, J.
(2019). Sexual Harassment in the Field of Sexuality Research. Arch Sex Behav 48, 997–1006.
Jawed-Wessel, S., Irwin, J., & Santo, J. (2019). Sexual activity and attitudes as predictors of sexual satisfaction during pregnancy. A multi-level model describing the sexuality of couples in the first 12 weeks. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 48(3):843-854. doi: 10.1007/s10508-018-1317-1.
Nunn, A., Jeffries IV, W., Foster, P., McCoy, K., Sutten Coats, C., Willie, T., Ransome, Y., Lanzi, R., Jackson, E., Berkley-Patton, J., Keefer, M., & Coleman, J. (2019). Reducing the African American HIV Disease Burden in the Deep South: Addressing the Role of Faith and Spirituality. AIDS and Behavior. 23, 319-330. DOI: 10.1007/s10461-019-02631-4.
Rosen, A., Center, C., & Coleman, J. (2019). Development of an Athletic Training and Public Health Service-Learning Study Abroad Program to Nicaragua. Athletic Training Education Journal, 14 4, 283-292.
Jawed-Wessel, S. & Sevick, E. (2017). Sexual behaviors during pregnancy and after childbirth
Annual Review of Sex Research, 54, 4-5: 411-423. DOI: 10.1080/00224499.2016.1274715
Jawed-Wessel, S., Herbenick, D., Schick, V. (2017). Body image and self-consciousness during
sexual and physical intimacy among first-time mothers. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 43,
7:618-632. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2016.1212444
Pounds, L., Fisher, C., Leuschen, P., Barnes-Josiah, D., Coleman, J. & Lefabre, C. (2017). The role of early maternal support in balancing full-time work and infant exclusive breastfeeding: A qualitative study. Breastfeeding Medicine. 12(1): 33-38.
Brennan, Stephanie, Jay A. Irwin, Andjela Drincic, Jean Amoura, Megan Smith-Sallans, Amanda Randall. Relationship Among Gender-Related Stress, Resilience Factors, and Mental Health in a Midwestern U.S. Transgender and Gender-nonconforming Population. International Journal of Transgenderism. 18:433-445.
Coleman, J., Tate, A., Gaddist, B. & White, J. (2016). Social determinants of HIV-related stigma in faith-based organizations. American Journal of Public Health. 106(3): 492-6.
Jawed-Wessel, S., Schick, V., Herbenick, D., Fortenberry, D., Cattelona, G., Reece, M. (2016). Development and validation of the Sex during Pregnancy Scales. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 42, 8: 681-701. DOI: 10.1080/0092623X.2015.1113587.
Su, D., Irwin, J., Fisher, C., Ramos, A., Kelley, M., Mendoza, D. & Coleman, J. (2016). Mental health disparities within the LGBT population: A comparison between transgender and nontransgender individuals. Transgender Health. 1(1): 12-20. DOI: doi:10.1089/trgh.2015.0001
McGrath, S., Coleman, J., Najjar, L., Fruhling, A. & Bastola, D. (2016). Comprehension and data sharing behavior of direct-to-consumer genetic test customers. Public Health Genomics. DOI: 10.1159/000444477
Abara, W., Coleman, J., Fairchild. A., Gaddist, B. & White, J. (2015). A faith-based community partnership to address HIV/AIDS in the Southern US: Implementation, challenges, and lessons learned. Journal of Religion and Health. 54: 122-133. DOI 10.1007/s10943-013-9789-8.
Pelster, A., Fisher, C., Irwin, J., Coleman, J. & McCarthy, M. (2015). Tobacco use and its relationship to social determinants of health in LGBT populations of a Midwestern state. LGBT Health. 2(1): 71-76. DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2014.0012.
Pelster, A., Fisher, C., Irwin, J., Coleman, J. & McCarthy, M. (2014). Tobacco use and its relationship to social determinants of health in LGBT populations of a Midwestern state. LGBT Health. In press (published on-line first). DOI: 10.1089/lgbt.2014.0012.
Coleman, J., Irwin, J., Wilson, R., & Miller, H. (2014). The South Carolina LGBT needs assessment: a descriptive overview. Journal of Homosexuality. 61(8):1152-71. DOI 10.1080.00918369.2014.872515.
Irwin, J., Coleman, J., Fisher, C., & Marasco, V. (2014). Correlates of suicide ideation among LGBT Midlanders. Journal of Homosexuality. 61(8):1172-1191. DOI 10.1080/00918369.2014.872521
Fisher, C., Irwin, J., & Coleman, J. (2014). LGBT Health in the Midlands: A rural/urban comparison of basic health indicators. Journal of Homosexuality. 61(8):1062-1090. DOI 10.1080/00918369.2014.872487
Fisher, C., Irwin, J. & Coleman, J. (2014). Rural LGBT health: Introduction to a dedicated issue in the Journal of Homosexuality. Journal of Homosexuality. 61(8):1057-1061. DOI 10.1080/00918369.2014.872486
Irwin, J. (2014). Review of “Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities edited by Constantinos N. Phellas.” Contemporary Sociology. 43:570-572.
Irwin, J. (2014). Review of “Amigas y Amates: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family by Katie L. Acosta.” Social Forces (online only).
Irwin, Jay A. (2014). “Lesbian Health” entry for the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.
Irwin, Jay A. (2014). “LGBT Stress” entry for the Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Health, Illness, Behavior, and Society.
Heerten, L. R. (2014) Mindfulness matters: Acting purposefully in a digital world. In C. Cooperman (Ed.) Sex Ed in the Digital Age. Morristown, NJ: Center for Sex Education.
Heerten, L. R. (2014) Helping teens act purposefully in a digital world: A lesson for parents and professionals. In C. Cooperman (Ed.) Sex Ed in the Digital Age. Morristown, NJ: Center for Sex Education.
McCarthy, M., Fisher, C., Irwin, J., Coleman, J. & Pelster, A. (2014). Using the minority stress model to understand depression in lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender individuals in Nebraska. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health. DOI 10.1080/19359705.2014.908445. In press (published on-line first).
Huberty, J., Coleman, J., Rolfsmeyer, K. & Wu, S. (2014). A qualitative study exploring women’s beliefs about physical activity after stillbirth. BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth. 14:26. DOI 10.1186/1471-2393-14-26.
Jawed-Wessel, S., Herbenick, D., Schick, V. (2013). The Sexual Function Questionnaire’s Medical Impact Scale (SFQ-MIS): Validation among a sample of first-time mothers. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 10:2715-2722.
Irwin, J. A. and Austin, E.L. (2013). Suicidal Ideation and Suicide Attempts among Southern Lesbians. Journal of Gay and Lesbian Mental Health. 17:4-20.
Schick, V., Herbenick, D., Jozkowski, K., Jawed-Wessel, S., Reece, M. (2013). The sexual consumer: characteristics, expectations, and experiences of women attending in-home sex toy parties. Journal of Sex and Marital Therapy, 39(2):160-175.
Abara, W., Coleman, J., Fairchild. A., Gaddist, B. & White, J. (2013). A faith-based community partnership to address HIV/AIDS in the Southern US: Implementation, challenges, and lessons learned. Journal of Religion and Health. In press (published on-line first). DOI 10.1007/s10943-013-9789-8.
Huberty, J., Dinkel, D., Beets, M., & Coleman, J. (2013). Describing the use of the internet for health, physical activity, and nutrition information in pregnant women. Maternal and Child Health Journal, 17(8):1363-72. DOI 10.1007/s10995-012-1160-2.
Huberty, J., Ehlers, D., Coleman, J., Gao, Y., & Elavsky, S. (2013). Women bound to be active: differences in long-term physical activity between completers and non-completers of a book club intervention. Journal of Physical Activity, 10(3):368-78. PMID: 22820351
Coleman, J., Lindley, L., Annang, L., Saunders, R., & Gaddist, B. (2012). Development of a framework for faith-based HIV/AIDS prevention programs in African American churches. AIDS Patient Care and STDs, 26(2):116-24.
Fisher, C.M., Reece, M., Wright, E., Dodge, M., Sherwood-Laughlin, C., & Baldwin, K. (2012). The role of community-based organizations in adolescent sexual health promotion, Health Promotion Practice, 13(4), 544-552.
Walburn, A., Swindells, S., Fisher, C.M., High, R., and Islam, K.M. (2012). Missed visits and decline in CD4 cell count among HIV-infected patients: a mixed methods study, International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 16(11):e779-85.
Reece, M., Mark, K.P., Herbenick, D., Hensel, D., Jawed-Wessel, S., & Dodge, B. (2012). An event-level analysis of adding exogenous lubricant to condoms in a sample of men who have vaginal sex with women. Journal of Sexual Medicine, 9(3):672-8.
Huberty, J., Dinkel, D., Coleman, J., Beighle, A., & Apenteng, B. (2012). The role of schools in youth physical activity participation: Staff perceptions. Health Education Research, 27(6):986-95. DOI 10.1093/her/cys071
Tibbits, M.K., Smith, E.A., Caldwell, L.L., & Flisher, A.J. (2011). Impact of HealthWise South Africa on polydrug use and high-risk sexual behavior. Health Education Resource, 26(4):653-63.
Coleman, J., Nichols Dauner, K., Richter, D., Annang, L., Sellers, D., & Lindley, L. (2011). Evaluating leadership training in African American HIV prevention organizations. Health Promotion Practice, 12(5):753-60.
Fisher, C.M., Reece, M., Dodge, B., Wright, E., Sherwood-Laughlin, C., & Baldwin, K. (2010). Expanding our reach: The potential for youth development professionals in community-based organizations to provide sexuality information. American Journal of Sexuality Education, 5(1), 36-53.
Fisher, C.M., Herbenick, D., Reece, M., Dodge, B., Satinsky, S., & Fischtein, D. (2010). Exploring sexuality education opportunities at in-home sex toy parties in the United States. Sex Education, 10(2), 131-144.
Fisher, C.M., & Schonfeld, T. (2010). Sex and blood: A deeper exploration of discrimination in the FDA blood donor policy. American Journal of Bioethics,10(2), 40-41.
Lindley, L., Coleman, J., Gaddist, B., and White, J. HIV-Related Knowledge and Stigmatizing Attitudes among African American Church Members in South Carolina. Public Health Reports, 2010; 125(1): 12-19.
Austin, E.L. & Irwin, J.A. (2010). Health behaviors and health care utilization of Southern lesbians. Women’s Health Issues, 20, 178-184.
Austin, E.L. & Irwin, J.A. (2010). Age differences in correlates of problematic alcohol use among Southern lesbians. Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 71, 295-298.
van Anders, Sari, M. Paz Galupo, Jay A. Irwin, Markie L.C. Twist, Chelsea J. Reynolds, Riley B.C. Easterbrook, and Rhea Ashley Hoskin. (2020) “” revised 10.09.2019, 2.24.2020
Irwin, Jay A. (2016) Blog post Gender & Society.
Irwin, Jay A. (2014) Book review of “Researching Non-Heterosexual Sexualities edited by Constantinos N. Phellas.” Contemporary Sociology. 43:570-572.
Irwin, Jay A. (2014) Book review of “Amigas y Amates: Sexually Nonconforming Latinas Negotiate Family by Katie L. Acosta.” Social Forces.
Fisher, C.M., Irwin, J.A., Coleman, J.D., McCarthy, M.A., & Chavez, J. (2012). Addendum B: Employment-related discrimination experiences for LGBT Lincoln residents, The Midlands LGBT needs assessment community report, 51社区 NE.
Fisher, C.M., Irwin, J.A., Coleman, J.D., McCarthy, M.A., & Chavez, J. (2012). Addendum A: Employment-related discrimination experiences for LGBT 51社区 residents, The Midlands LGBT needs assessment community report, 51社区 NE.
Fisher, C.M., Irwin, J.A., Coleman, J.D., McCarthy, M.A., & Chavez, J. (2011). The Midlands LGBT needs assessment community report, 51社区, NE.