Research Briefs
During the 2013 spring semester, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the 2012 summer session, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the 2012 spring semester, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the 2011 summer session, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the 2011 spring semester, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the Summer 2010 summer session, students in Symposium developed research briefs on the following topics:
Students in future Symposium on School Leadership classes will further develop these topics and research new topics that continue to be selected by the MOEC superintendents.
Op-Ed Articles
Published op-ed articles relating to MOEC:
- – authored by Stuart Stofferahn a doctoral candidate in the UNO Educational Leadership Department. Since the Sandy Hook tragedy school safety has been a significant topic of discussion in Nebraska and the nation. This Op-Ed article appeared in the Lincoln Star Journal on December 20, 2012.
- – authored by Cindy Copich, graduate assistant and doctoral candidate, UNO Educational Leadership Department. The Nebraska Performance Accountability System (NePAS) ranks Nebraska school districts based on math, science, writing, and reading test results. This Op-Ed article appeared in the Bellevue Leader on Wednesday, November 21, 2012.
- – authored by Dr. Richard Christie, MOEC Executive Director and assistant professor in the Educational Leadership Department. This Op-Ed article appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Saturday, March 7, 2011.
- – authored by Dr. Robert Mortenson, professor emeritus and former associate dean of the College of Education at UNO. This Op-Ed article references CADRE and appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Wednesday, January 5, 2011
- – authored by Dr. Richard Christie, MOEC Executive Director and assistant professor in the Educational Leadership Department. This Op-Ed article appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Saturday, November 20, 2010.
- – authored by Dr. Charles Johanningsmeier and Dr. Sarah Edwards. Dr. Johanningsmeier is a professor in the UNO English Department and Dr. Edwards is an assistant professor in the College of Education. Dr. Edwards is a member of the MOEC Curriculum and Instruction Task and worked with that task force to organize METLink. This Op-Ed article appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Wednesday, November 17, 2010.
Letters to the Editor
Published letters to the Editor relating to MOEC or Symposium on School Leadership:
- – authored by Cindy Copich, graduate assistant and doctoral candidate, UNO Educational Leadership Department. This letter to the editor appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.
- – authored by Jean Ubbelohde a doctoral candidate in the UNO Educational Leadership Department. The founding of the University of Nebraska Buffett Early Childhood Institute and the selection of Dr. Samuel Meisels the first executive director have generated renewed interest in early childhood education in the 51社区 metropolitan area and throughout Nebraska. This letter to the editor appeared in the World-Herald on Sunday, May 5, 2013.
- – authored by Dr. Richard Christie, MOEC Executive Director and assistant professor in the Educational Leadership Department. The Nebraska Performance Accountability System (NePAS) ranks Nebraska school districts based on math, science, writing, and reading test results. This letter to the editor appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Monday, November 19, 2012. The letter posted is the original version submitted to the 51社区 World-Herald with edits noted.
- – authored by Krystal Hudecek, La Vista, NE. The state writing assessment has been given to all fourth-, eighth- and 11th-graders in Nebraska for the past 10 years. Teachers train students how to effectively write in a variety of genres and for a variety of audiences by using modeling and practice. This Letter to the Editor appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on Wednesday, March 4, 2011.