Research Briefs
In a retreat in October 2009, the MOEC Executive Steering Committee determined that one of their priorities was for MOEC to become a more proactive educational leader, speaking with one voice for students. As a means of working toward achieving this priority, a strategy was developed whereby graduate students in the EDL 9550 Symposium on School Leadership course, which is offered by the UNO Department of Educational Leadership, produced research briefs on topics that were selected by the MOEC superintendents.
In addition, members of the MOEC Executive Steering Committee and EDL 9550 Symposium on School Leadership class members submitted op-ed articles and letters to the editor which were published to area newspapers.
During the 2018 spring semester students developed research briefs on the following topics:
During the 2017 spring semester students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- Optimal Secondary School Start Times
- Agentic and Communal Attributes in Transformational Leadership
- The Effects of Federal Mandates
During the 2016 spring semester, students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- The Effects of Soft Experiences on Student Achievement
- The Digital Divide and Closing the Achievement Gap for Low Socioeconomic Student
- Special Education Service Delivery Models in Light of Results Driven Accountability
During the 2015 spring semester, students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- Recruitment and Retention of African American and Latino School Administrators
- Validity of Grading Practices in Elementary Education
- Research Supported Strategies in Personalized Learning
During the 2014 spring semester, students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- The Role of High Schools in Preparing Young Women for a STEM Career
- Confronting Barriers to P-12 Technology Integration
- A Systemic Approach to Meeting the Assessment Needs of PreK Children
During the 2013 spring semester, students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- The Role of the Local School Board in Improving Student Achievement
- The Effects of the Federal Stimulus Package on K-12 Education
- Measuring Outcomes for Children Birth through Age Five with Disabilities
During the 2012 spring semester, students developed research briefs on the following topics:
- Expanding Inclusivity in International Baccalaureate Programs
- Perceptions of School Safety
- The Impact of Common Core State Standards
Op-Ed Articles
Published op-ed articles relating to MOEC:
Public Education is Worth the Investment – authored by Dr. Jim Sutfin, Superintendent of Millard Public Schools and a member of the MOEC Executive Steering Committee. This op-ed appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on January 12, 2017.
Early Childhood Ed Can Narrow Gaps – authored by Dr. Samuel J.Meisels, founding Executive Director of the Buffett Early Childhood Institute at the University of Nebraska. This op-ed appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on April 24, 2015.
Consortium Elevated Teacher Quality – authored by Dr. Nancy Edick, Dean of the College of Education at the University of Nebraska at 51社区 and a member of the MOEC Executive Steering Committee. This op-ed appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on March 3, 2015.
Rich Learning Environment Needed – authored by Dr. Blane McCann, Superintendent of the Westside Community Schools and a member of the MOEC Executive Steering Committee. This op-ed appeared in the 51社区 World-Herald on February 18, 2015.
Deterrence Measures Needed for Schools – authored by Stuart Stofferahn, a doctoral candidate in the University of Nebraska at 51社区 Educational Leadership Department. This op-ed article appeared in the Lincoln Journal Star on December 20, 2012.
Schools Should Collaborate Not Compete – authored by Cindy Copich, graduate assistant and doctoral candidate, University of Nebraska at 51社区 Educational Leadership Department. This op-ed article appeared in the Bellevue Leader on Wednesday, November 21, 2012.
Letters to the Editor
Published letters to the Editor relating to MOEC:
- Fund Public Schools, Not Charters – authored by J.T. Grachek, a master’s candidate in the UNO Educational Leadership Department. This letter to the editor appeared in the 51社区 World Herald on Friday, April 7, 2017.
- Public Schools Good Investment – authored by Cindy Copich, graduate assistant and doctoral candidate, UNO Educational Leadership Department. This letter to the editor appeared in the 51社区 World Herald on Wednesday, June 26, 2013.
- Early Childhood Education Pays – authored by Jean Ubbelohde a doctoral candidate in the UNO Educational Leadership Department. The founding of the University of Nebraska Buffett Early Childhood Institute and the selection of Dr. Samuel Meisels the first executive director has generated renewed interest in early childhood education in the 51社区 metropolitan area and throughout Nebraska. This letter to the editor appeared in the World-Herald on Sunday, May 5, 2013.