Frequently Asked Questions
What programs are offered in the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences and where do I find additional information?
Undergraduate Teaching Programs are offered in the following areas:
Special Education
Undergraduate Non-Teaching Programs are offered in the following areas:
Athletic Training
Exercise Science
Physical Education TeachingPublic Health
Library Science
Sign Language Interpretation
Graduate Programs are offered in the following areas:
Health and Kinesiology
What are admissions deadlines for UNO and/or College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences programs?
- Fall Semester - August 1
- Spring Semester - December 1
- Summer Session - June 1
- All inquires and correspondence should be addressed to the or the specific Graduate Department.
How do I find out about academic advising?
Undergraduate students who have been admitted to undergraduate pre-education, library science, pre-speech-language pathology majors, and sign-language interpreting can schedule an appointment using MavCONNECT or contacting the Office of Academic Advising and Field Experiences at 402.554.2717.
Undergraduate students who have been admitted to athletic training, exercise science, physical education teaching, public health, or recreation administration should contact the School of Health and Kinesiology (H&K) at 402.554.2670 or via email.
Graduate students are advised by department faculty members in individual programs.
How do I transfer credit to the college program in which I am interested?
To review course work acceptable to UNO, see the . Generally, prospective candidates can look at the undergraduate catalog to get an idea of comparable classes. All transfer course work accepted by the university may not be applicable to the College of Education, Health, and Human Sciences.
An official evaluation of transcripts will be completed when you have been admitted to the college.
Graduate students should contact the individual program area regarding the policies for transfer credit into graduate programs.
I have a college degree and am interested in teaching; what opportunities are available to me?
Professional teacher certification is available in elementary, middle level, secondary and special education. Most individuals find these programs to be a major change. Individuals interested should review the course requirements for the various teaching programs.
Visit the Teacher Education Department's Undergraduate Programs webpage to learn more.
For individuals interested in teaching in secondary high demand areas, the Teacher Academy Project (TAP) is a secondary education program designed for individuals who currently hold an undergraduate degree in a major that meets the content requirements for a subject endorsement (Mathematics, Foreign Language, Science, Business, etc.) for certification as a teacher in the secondary schools.
TAP candidates complete certification coursework while interning in a participating Metropolitan 51社区 Educational Consortium (MOEC) school district. The graduate work completed during this program may be applied toward the completion of a master’s degree in Secondary Education.
TAP candidates are enrolled as full-time students which allows for the completion of the certification requirements in one academic year (including summer). Visit the TAP webpage for more information.
How do I renew my teaching/administration certificate?
Information about initial teacher certification or renewal of an expired certificate, is available at the Office of Academic Advising and Field Experiences Certification webpage.
You also may contact the Office of Academic Advising and Field Experiences at 402.554.2718 or