The Ph.D. in CIS program is structured around several key milestones. Some of these must be completed in a specific sequence, while others depend on each student's plan of study.
Identification of Research Advisor and Plan of Study: By the end of the 2nd term in the program, students should have identified a faculty advisor who agrees to supervise their research and file an official plan of study.
Passing the Comprehensive Examination and Reaching Candidacy: Typically completed in the 4th term of enrollment, students sit the comprehensive examination to determine their readiness to undertake independent research leading to a formal dissertation proposal. In addition to passing the comprehensive examination, students must to attain candidacy.
Completion of All Coursework: Coursework must be completed per the approved plan of study.
Formation of Dissertation Committee: Prior to proposing a dissertation topic, students must establish a that complies with the requirements of the UNO Graduate School.
Passing the Dissertation Proposal: Under the supervision of the dissertation committee, students must submit and defend a formal dissertation proposal. The outcome of this defense is reported by the dissertation committee to the DPC.
Successfully Defending the Dissertation: Students must submit their dissertation for review to their dissertation committees and apply for the final defense. Dissertation committee members document satisfactory completion of all requirements following the defense and report the outcome to graduate studies.
, a minimum of seven months must pass between the attainment of candidacy and final defense of the dissertation. Additionally, if the candidacy period exceeds three years, students must pass another comprehensive exam. During candidacy, students must maintain continuous enrollment during the Fall and Spring terms to maintain standing in the program.