Degree Programs Offered by CPACS
If serving your community and improving society is what you are passionate about, here you will find a wealth of opportunities and a strong support system that puts you, the student, first.
Nationally ranked and dedicated to educating the leaders of today and tomorrow.
- Strong relationships with faculty mentors and advisors
- Masters degree programs available fully online year-round
- Faculty and students study abroad across the globe
The degree programs available are listed below, along with links to websites for more information.
Aviation Institute
Emergency Management and Disaster Science
Division of Continuing Studies
Grace Abbott School of Social Work
about the degrees we offer:
- Master of Social Work
- Master of Social Work/Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Master of Social Work/Master of Public Administration
- Master of Social Work/Master of Public Health
- Bachelor of Science in Social Work
School of Criminology and Criminal Justice
about the degrees we offer:
- Ph.D. in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Master of Arts in Criminology and Criminal Justice
- Master of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice - #6 in the nation!
- Bachelor of Science in Criminology and Criminal Justice - #17 in the nation!
School of Public Administration
Learn more about the degrees we offer:
- Ph.D. in Public Administration
- Master of Public Administration
- Master of Science in Urban Studies
- Graduate Certificate in Public Management
- Graduate Certificate in Nonprofit Management
Department of Gerontology
about the degrees we offer:
- Ph.D. in Gerontology
- Master of Arts in Gerontology
- Master of Arts in Gerontology/Juris Doctor
- Master of Arts in Gerontology/Master of Legal Studies
- Bachelor of Science in Gerontology
- Graduate Certificate in Gerontology/Juris Doctor
- Certificate in Gerontology
Goodrich Scholarship Program
The provides a college education--in the form of tuition and general fees towards a bachelor's degree--for Nebraska residents, who otherwise could not afford it, while offering them a broad and meaningful experience in general education.