Come Visit Us!
We are located in the College of Public Affairs and Community Service (CPACS) building located on the University of Nebraska at 51社区 (UNO) Dodge Campus. The UNO campus is centrally located in the city of 51社区, Nebraska. The CPACS building can be found just east of the Barbara Weitz Community Engagement Center on Maverick Plaza.
Directions by Car
The GPS address for the 51社区 campus is 6001 Dodge Street.
West Entrance:
From Dodge Street turn onto University Drive West, then left onto University Drive North.
East Entrance:
From Dodge Street turn onto University Drive East, then right onto University Drive North.
Directions for Walking or Bicycling
You can use to find your bicycling, walking, or bus route. Just type in your starting location and destination and choose the appropriate icon to get directions.
Please visit the Parking Services page for more information about campus parking, permits and remote parking services.