Applying Data for Impact in Your Program and Community. Hobbs, A., Miles-Steffens, M and Gatti Schafer, J. Nebraska Community Aid & Juvenile Justice Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. June 2023.
Tier 1 Basic Program Evaluation. Hobbs, A., and Garman, J. Nebraska Community Aid and Juvenile Justice Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. June 2023.
Training Student Mentors and Serving Youth Mentees: The Juvenile Reentry Mentoring Project. Hobbs, A., and students. The Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2023.
All You Need is Love? Fostering and Adopting Youth with Attachment Issues. Hobbs, A., Opfer, L. and Tate, A. The Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2023.
Being the Change: UNO Juvenile Justice Certificate Program Capstone Projects. Hobbs, A., Miles-Steffens, M. and participants. The Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2023.
Does Using Surrogates Work for Restorative Justice Conferences with Youth? Hobbs, A., and Cienfuegos Silvera, A. University of California - San Francisco Law School. April 2023.
What is racial and ethnic diversity? What is DMC? Why is it important and what can I do about it? Hobbs, A. Juvenile Justice Certificate Program. March 2023.
Does Using Surrogates Work for Restorative Justice Conferences with Youth? Hobbs, A., and Cienfuegos Silvera, A. American Bar Association, Criminal Justice Section. February 2023. (Webinar Recording on You Tube)
Successes and Setbacks of Implementing Evidence-Informed Programs Statewide. Hobbs, A., Garman, J., and Miles Steffens, M. American Probation and Parole Association's 2023 Winter Regional Training Institute. 51社区, Nebraska. February 2023.
Evaluation Readiness Series: Program Design and Program Variables. Hobbs, A., Miles Steffens, M. and Garman, J. Nebraska Community-based Aid and Juvenile Services Grant Recipients Webinar. January 2023.
Implementing an Evidence-Informed Statewide Evaluation System: The Process, Evaluation and the Challenges. Hobbs, A., Garman, J. and Wasserburger, E. The American Society of Criminology Conference. Atlanta, Georgia. November 2022.
Preventing Delinquency: The Utility of Family Support Programming. Garman, J. and Hobbs, A. American Society of Criminology annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. November 2022.
Addressing Excessive Absenteeism: An Evaluation of Community-Based Programs. Garman, J., Hobbs, A., Steele, S., Kotlaja, M., and Lockee, A. American Society of Criminology annual meeting. Atlanta, Georgia. November 2022.
Evaluation Readiness Series: Introduction to Evaluation Readiness. Hobbs, A., Miles Steffens, M. and Garman, J. Nebraska Community-based Aid and Juvenile Services Grant Recipients Webinar. October 2022.
OJJDP Restorative Practice Office of Dispute Resolution Grant. Riley, K., Hobbs, A., and Pytlik Zillig, L. presented at the Nebraska Court Improvement Project Children’s Summit. Kearney, Nebraska. September 2022.
Legislative Impact: One Example from Nebraska. Hobbs, A. and Miles-Steffens, M. Juvenile Justice Association of Texas Conference. Lubbock, Texas. October 2022.
An Examination of Chronic Absences among Nebraska Youth. Hobbs, A., Garman, J., Steele, S., and Kracl, D. Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association annual meeting. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2022.
County Attorney Objections to Sealing Juvenile Records. Steele, S., and Hobbs, A. Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences Conference. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2022.
Variations in Victim Presence in Restorative Youth Conferencing Programs: The Use of Surrogate Victims Increases Reparation Completion. Hobbs, A. The American Society of Criminology Conference. Chicago, Illinois. November 2021.
The Juvenile Reentry Project: Mentoring Incarcerated Youth. Hobbs, A. The American Society of Criminology Conference. San Francisco, California. November 2019.
Becoming a Fair and Effective Leader. Hobbs, A. and Trooper K. Bell jointly presented at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2021.
Racial Disparity in Nebraska’s Counties: What Can YOU do about it? Hobbs, A., Wylie, L., and Miles Steffens, M. jointly presented at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2021.
RED Live Series: Speaking Truth to Power. Hobbs, A. Virtual Event. December 2020.
Streamlining Community-based Aid and the Grant Application Process. Hobbs, A. Nebraska Children’s Commission, Juvenile Services Subcommittee. October 2020.
Juvenile Reentry in the Face of COVID. Hobbs, A. Coalition or Urban and Metropolitan Universities (revised format to an online conference due to COVID-19.) October 2020.
Academy in Action: Policing & Racism. Hobbs, A. Sociology graduate students, University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Virtual Event. October 2020.
Evidence Informed Practice in Juvenile Justice. Hobbs, A. Our Town – Our Kids Spring Summit (revised format to an online conference due to COVID-19) Kansas. April 2020 and May 2020.
Data-driven Strategies for Impacting Racial and Ethnic Disparity. Rincon-Gallardo, M., Hobbs, A. and Lesley, K. Presented at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association Conference. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2015.
Diversion in Nebraska. Hobbs, A., Thompson, V., and Hoffman, A. Presented at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association Conference. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2015.
Evidence-based Nebraska! Hobbs, A., Wiener, R., and Moore, S. Presented at the Nebraska Juvenile Justice Association Conference. Kearney, Nebraska. May 2015.
Racial Profiling - in Nebraska?! Hobbs, A. Presented to University of Nebraska Lincoln Osher Lifelong Learning Institute. Lincoln, Nebraska. February 2015.
Using Data to Ensure Equity in our Juvenile Justice System. Hobbs, A. and Miles-Steffens, M. Presented at the Race Matters Conference. 51社区, Nebraska. December 2014.
Evidence-based Nebraska. Hobbs, A. and Wiener, R. Presented at the Nebraska Community Aid and Juvenile Justice Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. October 2014.
Service Learning in Criminal Justice: Focus on Juvenile Reentry. Hobbs, A. and Campbell, J. Presented at the Campus Compact Heartland Conference. Lincoln, Nebraska. October 2014.
Mentoring Youth Reentering our Communities. Hobbs, A. Presented at the Midlands Mentoring Partnership Annual Youth Development Summit. 51社区, Nebraska. March 2014.