We pride ourselves on making every effort to protect your personal information.
It is important that you feel comfortable in sharing information with us as it will make your counseling experience more beneficial. Information you share with the staff at CAPS is governed by professional ethics and state law.
The records of CAPS are not a part of your academic records. Information will not be released except for the following circumstances:
- Imminent threat to harm self or others
- Child or elder abuse
- Written release from you
- Court ordered subpoena
- Specific legal circumstances
The Age of Majority in Nebraska is 19 years old for medical appointments. To seek counseling services, a bill was passed that you may be 18 to sign your own consent for mental health treatment. If you are under the age of 18, we will need to get signed consent to treat from a parent or guardian. In addition, we will need their signature to release information.
Mandatory reporting laws exist for child abuse issues related to abuse, neglect, and sexual assault of a minor (child). The links below can be used to find out more related to Nebraska Law and reporting issues related to minors. If you have any questions about confidentiality, your counselor will be happy to discuss them with you.