Take a look at previous happenings, current developments, and future opportunities involving our Division. On the first Tuesday of each month, the Digital Learning team releases a newsletter containing tech tips, technology updates, and information/links about the workshops that will be running that month.
August 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Open AI Challenge Request for Proposal (RFP), available AI-Powered Teaching grants, beginning of the semester items, recent additions to Canvas, fall workshops and save the date for the Future of Work Symposium
July 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Open AI Challenge Request for Proposal (RFP), newly launched AI Learning Lab website, available AI-Powered Teaching grants, taking an AI professional development course, updates on a newly integrated Canvas tool, and new Canvas module features
June 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Newly launched AI Learning Lab, updated Digital Learning drop-in hours, opportunities to take an AI professional development course, ILCI offering marketing and communications support for online degrees and programs
May 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: 2024 Outstanding Innovation in Teaching With Technology award winners, highlights from the student and community AI panels, discussion redesign announcement, ILCI opportunities
April 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Copying course material, quicker course building by duplicating items, Canvas Discussion Redesign coming in May, Advancing Excellence in Online Teaching Badge Information
March 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Akindi Test Importer, AI resources, and ILCI opportunities
February 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Name Change: Future-Focused EDU, reminder of technology resources available, Canvas tips for SpeedGrader, Gradebook, and basic Canvas tips.
January 2024聽
Newsletter Topics: Tips for preparing for spring, Information on our new tool Gradescope, YuJa Video Update, January and Spring workshops, ILCI opportunities for grant development and department training/improvement.
December 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: NEW TOOL – Gradescope, resources to finish out the semester and prepare for spring.
November 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: tech tips: Utilizing the comment library in SpeedGrader, Creating and ssing filters in the Canvas Gradebook, Adding a notes column in the Gradebook, Ways Digital Learning can support Faculty
October 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: ChatGPT Prompt Book, Future-Focused EDU Canvas Site, Professional Development Opportunities
Sep 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: Tech tips on speedgrader, using the comment library, setting up individual due dates, and moderating quizzes on Canvas
Aug 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: YuJa Panorama Canvas Grading Scheme Redesign, updated Canvas Community videos, new teaching policies navigation tab, beginning of the semester checklist and a list of updated Canvas Commons resources.
July 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: Canvas updates: Bulk publish and unpublish, external tools add rubric button, updated Canvas community videos. July YuJa workshops, preparing for fall resources, a sneak peak at Fall workshops.
June 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: More about YuJa Panorama, swap out your VidGrid by June 30th, summer yuja workshops.
May 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: Award winners announced for Outstanding Teaching with Technology, Digital Learning is moving, summer yuja workshops, course development grant applications are now open.
April 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: 2023 Digital Learning Showcase Information, Information on our contract ending with VidGrid, Importing an Entire Course in Canvas, how to upload an assignment on behalf of a student in Canvas.
March 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: 2023 Digital Learning Showcase Information, how to create YuJa Quizzes, Adding YuJa Quizzes as Assignments in Canvas.
Special Edition: Chat GPT 聽
Newsletter Topics: Information about what ChatGPT is and links to ChatGPT resource pages.
February 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: Finding and utilizing course evaluations, tips on how to build your courses quicker, embedding videos using the YuJa integration tool, finding and using YuJa links and embed codes, Activating lockdown browser at the start of the semester, grading shortcuts in canvas SpeedGrader, personalizing course navigation.
January 2023聽
Newsletter Topics: Tips for prepping for the semester (importing content, merging courses, changing assignment dates in bulk, managing Canvas dashboard, tips for course accessibility, Canvas accessibility checker); how to replace VidGrid videos with YuJa Videos
December 2022聽
Newsletter topics: Adding the academic calendar to Canvas, tips for prepping for spring, importing grades to mavlink, extending sections for incompletes.November 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Updates to Zoom, updated Canvas navigation, copy an entire Canvas course, copy individual items in a Canvas course, merging courses together, change assignment due dates in bulk
October 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Canvas Help Menu Layout, Moderating Quizzes – adding additional attempts and extending time on a quiz
Special Edition: YuJa聽
Newsletter Topics: You asked and now you shall receive! This newsletter is all about YuJa! Check out information below on what YuJa is, where you can find it, what to expect regarding transitioning and migration to YuJa, list of workshops on YuJa Basics and where you can get help!
September 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Akindi test importer, setting a default due date time, formatting change to edit assignment due dates function, message students who
August 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Beginning of the semester checklist, how to merge courses, importing previous courses, scheduling zoom meetings via Canvas, student technology resource module
July 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Resources available to help prepare for the fall semester including links to past tech tips and Canvas Design Studio
June 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: How to make a good quality PDF accessible, how to use the screen reader in Adobe, enabling feature items in Canvas, Canvas Icon Maker, Emoji Submission Comments, and Enhanced Gradebook Filters
May 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: 6 tips to making an accessible course, canvas accessibility checker, canvas immersive reader
April 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: How to add groups to assignments and discussions in Canvas
March 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Assigning discussions, quizzes, and assignments to specific students/sections and setting up and assigning students to groups in Canvas
February 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Managing your Canvas Dashboard, Customizing Canvas Notifications by Course, Separating First & Last Name into Two Columns in the Gradebook, Automatic Missing Status Removal in Canvas
January 2022聽
Newsletter Topics: Adding announcements to your course homepage, changing the grade posting policy for the gradebook and individual assignments, setting up an automatic grade for missing submissions, setting up automatic deductions for late work
December 2021聽
Newsletter Topics: Importing Canvas grades into MavLINK, Changing Assignment Dates in Bulk, Canvas Utilities - Merging Courses & Extending Course Dates
November 2021聽
Newsletter Topics: How to import previous course content in Canvas, sticky navigation, and text entry word count in speed grader
October 2021聽
Newsletter Topics: Setting a default grade in canvas, editing submission labels in SpeedGrader, and searching for assignments by title in the Gradebook