Register a Team. Make an Impact.
When you coach a Science Olympiad team, you are making an impact that will have significant ripple effects across the state of Nebraska.
The team registration fee is $150 per team. This fee covers each team's national ($75) and state ($75) membership. There is no additional fee for a school to compete in the state tournament. However, each invitational may charge an additional fee for participation.
A team is composed of fifteen students or less from one school in one of the two divisions: B division (middle school) and C division (high school). Only one team per division per school may compete in the state tournament. If a school wishes to enter more than one team at an invitational, then they will need to register a second team with the state at the same cost ($150).
All fees collected go towards covering the costs associated with the Science Olympiad. Half of the team fee covers the costs associated with running the national organization. The other half of the team fee partially covers the costs of running the state organization and the state tournament. Team fees cover only a portion of the costs. The state organization and tournament are subzidized by the University of Nebraska system, donors, grants, and the hard work and dedication of an army of volunteers.
How to Register
Registration and payment is handled through the 51社区's Online Marketplace. Payment is made either via credit card or echeck. Click the "" button below to begin.
When completing the registration, you will enter the coach's information, school, and division, as shown in the image below:
After filling out the form, click on the "Add to cart" button.
You now have 1 team registration in your cart. To register more teams, see below. Otherwise, click on your cart (image below) and complete the check out process.
Registering More Than One Team
If you wish to register more than one team after adding the first team to your cart, scroll down the list and find the Nebraska Science Olympiad:
Complete the next team registration and add to your cart. You will now have multiple team registrations in your cart and can proceed to check out all at once for all teams that you wish to register.
Payment Other Than Credit Card or Echeck
We highly encourage all teams to use the online payment processing for registration. However, if you must pay via a non-online method, then you may continue to register your team(s) by using the following option during check out:
You will then need to reach out to the Nebraska Science Olympiad team to discuss payment.