Research Data Security
Research Data & Security: Research often involves the transfer, access, use, and storage of data between organizations. When a data provider considers the data or information to be proprietary or confidential, it will typically require that the data receiver enter into a written agreement setting forth the terms and conditions of the data transfer. These agreements are usually referred to as some variation of the following:
- Data Use Agreement (DUA)
- Data Transfer Agreement (DTA)
- Data Security Agreement or Data Sharing Agreement (DSA)
- Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)
- Confidential Disclosure Agreement (CDA)
- Confidentiality Agreement
- Memorandum of Understanding
In order to properly safeguard research data and meet its legal requirements under federal and state law, the University of Nebraska has enacted the following policies:
- NU Executive Memorandum No. 16,
- Click for additional information including FAQs, implementation timeline and exemption request
- NU Executive Memorandum No. 41,
- NU Executive Memorandum No. 42,
- Click for additional information including the Risk Classification Self-Assessment tool
Researchers must have an agreement in place before either receiving data from third parties or transferring UNO data to third parties. All agreements involving the transfer of UNO’s confidential or proprietary research data or information should be structured as an agreement with the Board of Regents of the University of Nebraska and signed by an authorized representative in ORCA or OSP. The confidential or proprietary data of third parties must be treated according to the policies
Requesting a DUA
Researchers seeking to receive, transfer, use, or store research data should submit a Data Use Intake Form to and include a copy of any agreement provided by a third party. If no agreement has been provided by the third party, a draft will be initiated by the ORCA.
Research Data Management
Researchers needing a Data Management Plan should utilize the to create a plan specific to the project funder.
Additional resources:
Any questions regarding research data and security should be directed to Erica Shipman,