Prior to registration, all students should be advised. Students should proceed through the registration steps outlined in the Undergraduate Class Schedule and should plan to meet with an advisor well in advance of registration. While advising is available during the registration period, a comprehensive advising session cannot be guaranteed due to advisors’ limited availability. We encourage students to make an appointment via MavCONNECT or via email as soon as possible.
Currently enrolled students who do not have any enrollment holds are eligible to participate in early enrollment. Early enrollment times are based on the number of credit hours earned.
New students/returning students that are not currently enrolled in classes, will fall under the open enrollment period. Students who have attended classes within the last two years are eligible to enroll during the open enrollment period without having to reapply for admission.
All holds must be resolved prior to enrollment.
Your Enrollment Appointment and enrollment holds information can be found on MavCONNECT. The system will not allow you to enroll prior to your scheduled time.
Class Withdrawals
Dropping or removing a class or classes from your schedule is done via A “W” grade will be assigned automatically if you drop one or more classes (view the Academic Calendar for more accurate dates). Courses officially dropped by the Sunday after the first week of classes are not recorded on your transcript and student will receive a 100% tuition refund.
Learn more about adding/swapping/dropping/withdrawing courses
Withdrawing from all classes for the semester must be done through the Registrar’s Office and, as necessary, the Financial Aid Office. The deadline for withdrawing from all courses enrolled in at UNO is listed in the Academic Calendar. Students should also contact the academic advisor if they plan to withdraw classes.
No music course may be taken more than three times. This includes courses in which a grade of “F” or “W” was received. A student unable to pass a course after three unsuccessful attempts will not be allowed to enroll in that particular course again.
A student who leaves music major status in good standing can be readmitted as a music major without re-auditioning if returning within twelve (12) months or at the discretion of the faculty. However, at the university level, a student who is not enrolled in classes can return within twenty-four (24) months without having to re-apply.