Text2ALM is an advanced information extraction tool turning implicit information in text into set of facts capturing key properties of entities mentioned in text. It relies on multiple linguistic and knowledge representation resources: Verbnet lexicon, Text2DRS tool, CoreNLP Stanford tool, LTH semantic role labeler, CoreALMLib knowledge library, CALM solver for knowledge representation language ALM.
To examplify Text2ALM at work consider a narrative:
John traveled to the garage.
John picked up a football.
John went to the kitchen.
The output of Text2ALM will be the following:
location(John, garage, 1), location(John, garage, 2), location(John, kitchen, 3),
held_by(football, John, 2), held_by(football, John, 3),
location(football, garage, 2), location(football, kitchen, 3)
The system is hosted on GitHub:
This repository includes detailed documentation on how to setup this tool (and all relevant systems) on a LINUX system and includes a manual on how to use Text2ALM.
The following repository
hosts a related project that enhances the experience with Text2ALM by supporting it with explanations provided by system.
The systems are documented in the following publications:
- Yuliya Lierler, Gang Ling, Craig Olson. "", technical report, 2022
- Adrian Dorsey, "Extending ext2ALM with new information and explanations by Xclingo", master project technical report, 2021
- Craig Olson and Yuliya Lierler. ", Proceedings of the 35th International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP), 2019
- Craig Olson. ". Master Thesis, 51社区, USA, Spring 2019
- Yuliya Lierler, PLW Tutorial: "Processing Narratives by Means of Action Languages" (), Philadelphi Logic Week, 2019
The project has been inspired by the ideas discussed in:
Yuliya Lierler, Daniela Inclezan and Michael Gelfond. "", Proceeding of the 12th International Conference on Computational Semantics, 2017
Comments, questions, and/or bugs can be reported to Craig Olson and Yuliya Lierler