Syntactic parsing is a process of uncovering the internal structure of sentences, in particular, articulating what the constituents of a given sentence are and what relationships are between them. Resolving attachment ambiguities is a pervasive problem in syntactic analysis. System PPAttach tackles the problem of prepositional phrase attachment by incorporating semantic knowledge derived from the lexico-semantic ontologies such as and . Technical report on the system posted below provides the details.
The software is available for download here (under ):
Benjamin Susman, Daniel Bailey, Yuliya Lierler. Prepositional Phrase Attachment Problem Revisited: How VERBNET Can Help (PDF). In Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computational Semantics (IWCS 2015), London, England, 2015 (to appear).
A short tutorial for the PPattach system is available here: Tutorial
Comments, questions, and/or bugs can be reported to Benjamin Susman and Yuliya Lierler.