The 51社区 (UNO) general education curriculum strives to help you develop the following skills you need to navigate the demands of the 21st century environment successfully and responsibly:
- The ability to think clearly about complex problems;
- The ability to analyze a problem to develop workable and creative solutions;
- An understanding of the global context in which work is done;
- The ability to apply knowledge and skills in new settings; and
- A strong sense of ethics and equality.
The University General Education requirements encompass Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs) in the following areas:
English & Writing
Quantitative Literacy
Public Speaking
Humanities & Fine Arts
Social Sciences
Natural & Physical Sciences
U.S. Diversity
Global Diversity
English & Writing - Student Learning Outcomes
After completing Composition I, successful students shall be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate engagement with a writer’s content and purpose;
- Craft thesis-driven writing using appropriate organization and language; and
- Explain their own processes for writing;
After completing Composition II, successful students shall be able to do the following:
- Analyze a writer’s argument using key rhetorical concepts;
- Design written arguments for a specific audience and purpose;
- Incorporate appropriate sources to support an argument; and
- Employ effective structure, paragraphs, sentences, and language.
After completing the writing in the discipline (WID) course(s), students shall be able to do the following:
- Demonstrate further development of the writing skills learned in foundational composition courses;
- Engage in the major discipline's research practices, using the databases, bibliographies, and documentation conventions appropriate to the discipline;
- Use the writing strategies and genres expected in the relevant academic and professional communities; and
- Demonstrate command of the major discipline's discourse practices, vocabulary, and style.
Quantitative Literacy - Student Learning Outcomes
Successful students shall be able to do the following:
- Solve real-world problems;
- Draw inferences based on a set of data or quantitative information; and
- Justify conclusions derived from quantitative information
Public Speaking - Student Learning Outcomes
Successful students shall be able to do the following:
- Create and develop messages demonstrating effective audience analysis and adaptation;
- Create and develop messages demonstrating effective information gathering, analysis, and evaluation;
- Csupporting materials from credible sources; and
- Present appropriate messages, including effective use of language, nonverbal delivery, and visual information/technology.
Humanities & Fine Arts - Students Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrating knowledge of the human conditionusing discipline appropriate criteria;
- Respond to the human condition using discipline specific criteria;
- Explaining how context (historical, cultural, etc.) influences the creation or interpretation of the topic of study.
Social Sciences - Student Learning Outcomes
- Describing signature ideas, concepts, theories, or perspectives using the language of the discipline;
- Analyzing Implications, conclusions, or consequences of a particular issue relevant to the discipline
- Evaluating evidence of truth-claims;
Natural & Physical Sciences - Student Learning Outcomes
- Identifies key elements of scientific inquiry relative to problem;
- Solves problems based on data, information, or models
- Evaluate conclusions, limitations, and/or implications
U.S. Diversity - Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrating specific knowledge of the cultural, historical, social, economic, and/or political aspects of one or more diverse/underrepresented groups in the United States;
- Explaining/describing the implications or consequencesof these characteristics upon the development of the United States
Global Diversity - Student Learning Outcomes
- Demonstrating specific knowledge of the cultural, historical, social, economic, and/or political aspects of one or more countries or nations other than the United States;
- Explaining/describing the implications or consequences of these characteristics to human endeavors