Many courses require specific prerequisites to be met and/or require permission from the department prior to enrollment.
Course Prerequisites
Course prerequisites are automatically met based on previous coursework you have performed while at UNO or through transfer credit as determined by your advisor.
If the enrollment you have attempted results in an error that indicates the course in which you wish to enroll requires prerequisites or is restricted, you must contact your academic advisor or your college advising office.
If it is determined you may enroll for the course in question, a permission will be entered by your academic advisor or the department and a permission number will then be given to you for the enrollment process.
See below to learn where you add the number after you have selected the course and attempted to enroll.
Course prerequisites can be found by viewing the online catalog, or by logging into MavLINK, selecting "Class Search" and clicking on the title of a course listed. See the example below.
Permission Number
A Permission is entered via MavLINK. A permission will override any prerequisite such as a course, permission needed, or GPA requirement as well as a closed course. A permission will NOT override co-requisites, such as courses that require both a lecture and lab for which you wish to take one or the other or time conflict. These two items will need to be communicated to the Office of the University Registrar on your behalf via your advisor or instructor for enrollments.
Receiving a permission number does not register you for the course. It only means you are able to proceed with enrollment for that course. Once the permission number is given to you, you must register for the course using the number provided via .
Permissions are BOTH course section and term specific. You must ensure the permission is issued for the exact course you want. You will NOT be able to register for a different section of the same course. For example, if a permission is issued for ENGL-1160-003, you will not be able to register for ENGL-1160-006. A new number will need to be generated for you via your advisor or department contact. Remember, permission numbers can only be used once.
Permissions not used before the end of the 100% refund period will be deleted. A new number will need to be generated for you to enroll after the 100% refund period.