Primary Colors
Primary colors are used for large color blocks. Any of the following shown can be used as the dominant color. Black is the 51社区’s (UNO) primary color.
White can be used as accent colors but in certain cases may be used as the dominant color. Pantone values are for both coated and uncoated.
Primary Colors | Black | Dark Grey | White |
Color | |||
PMS | Pantone Black or Pantone Black 6 |
Pantone Cool Grey 11 | Pantone White |
CMYK | 0/0/0/100 or 60/40/40/100 | 5/5/5/85 | 0/0/0/0 |
RGB | 10/10/10 | 99/101/104 | 255/255/255 |
Hexidecimal | #000000 | #636568 | #FFFFFF |
Notes | use 75% black when printing in black & white | White can be used as a dominant color or accent color |
Accent Colors
Accent colors are used to accentuate the primary colors and should not overpower any of the primary colors. Accent colors should not be more than 20% of any composition.
Pantone values are for both coated and uncoated.
Accent Colors | Red | Light Grey | White |
Color | |||
PMS | Pantone 186 | Pantone Cool Grey 4 | Pantone White |
CMYK | 5/100/100/3 | 0/1/2/30 | 0/0/0/0 |
RGB | 215/25/32 | 188/187/186 | 255/255/255 |
Hexidecimal | #D71920 | #BCBBBA | #FFFFFF |
Notes | Red only used as an accent color. It is never used as a dominant color. | use 30% black when printing in black & white | White can be used as a dominant color or accent color |