The WiSTEM organization advances the full and successful participation and inclusion of all persons within academic professions by addressing gender equity, recruitment and retention, awards and recognition, and career advancement and satisfaction.
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The WiSTEM Pro2 group was organized through grassroots efforts in Fall 2015. Roughly 15 faculty and staff members, representing various academic and non-academic units on campus, began to gather monthly.
In the fall of 2016, the organization formally expanded to include all colleagues across the 51社区. At this same time, the executive board was focused on infrastructure. Committees were formed, a white paper written, and a budget established. Both men and women are members of this organization.
As the organization grows, we anticipate that there will be opportunities for research collaborations, mentorship, and promotion. Program content will be designed to be flexible and geared to meet the changing needs of women and other underrepresented groups in academic-related professions. Life management and leadership issues are a major focus.
We plan to increase collaborations across campus. Current collaborations include:
Community Collaborations
We strive to partner with our community to establish a network, collaborate for programming events, and seek funding opportunities.
A few of these partners are:
- NU Foundation
- 51社区 STEM Ecosystem
Campus Priorities and Collaborations
As we continue to meet two of the University's Strategic Plan Efforts, Diversity & Inclusion and STEM, we actively collaborate with the following campus units:- Center for Faculty Excellence/Academic Partnership for Instruction
- University of Nebraska Office of Diversity and Inclusion
- WiSTEM - Women in STEM, UNO’s student organization
- Chancellor’s Commission on the Status of Gender Equity (Formerly CCSW)
- UNMC Faculty Development Office
Where our members come from
Our members consist of all men and women faculty, staff, or alumni that support our mission. Our members come from social, behavioral, and physical sciences, education, technology, mathematics, interdisciplinary fields, as well as business and fine arts.
We have ~80 members from the following units on campus:
Academic Affairs
Accessibility Services
Aviation Institute
Center for Public Affairs Research
Criminology and Criminal Justice
Criss Library
Emergency Management
Executive MBA program
Facilities Management & Planning
World Languages and Literature
Graduate Studies
Health & Kinesiology
Human Resources
Information Services
Institutional Effectiveness and Student Success
Interdisciplinary Information
IT Innovation
Milo Bail Student Center Operations
NASA Nebraska Space Grant
Office of Research and Creative Activity (ORCA)
Office of Strategic Marketing and Communications
Public Administration
School of the Arts
School of Communication
Service Learning Academy
Special Education/Communication Disorders
Staff Advisory Council
Teacher Education
UNL Engineering
Women and Gender Studies
Of these members, many are staff, several faculty (all levels), and a few administrators.
If you are interested in joining our group, please do. Even if you do not self-identify as being in a STEM-related field, that is okay! Each of our members is interested in diversity, inclusion, and equity in the workplace.
Organizing Committee
Members of the current organizing committee include: